h5 指数是指在过去整整 5 年中所发表文章的 h 指数。h 指在 2019-2023 年间发表的 h 篇文章每篇至少都被引用过 h 次的最大值。隐藏
出版物的 h5 中位数,是指出版物的 h5 指数所涵盖的所有文章获得的引用次数的中位值。隐藏
出版物h5 指数h5 中位数
1.International Journal of Inclusive Education6586
2.European Journal of Special Needs Education4169
3.Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists3660
4.Journal of Learning Disabilities3656
5.Remedial and Special Education3561
6.Exceptional Children3349
7.International Journal of Disability, Development and Education3345
8.Gifted Child Quarterly3055
9.Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs2856
10.Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals2849
11.Journal of Intellectual Disabilities2840
12.Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions2744
13.Journal of Behavioral Education2739
14.Journal of Special Education Technology2642
15.Behavioral Disorders2637
16.Intervention in School and Clinic2637
17.TEACHING Exceptional Children2633
18.Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth2542
19.The Journal of Special Education2541
20.Learning Disability Quarterly2538