h5 指数是指在过去整整 5 年中所发表文章的 h 指数。h 指在 2019-2023 年间发表的 h 篇文章每篇至少都被引用过 h 次的最大值。隐藏
出版物的 h5 中位数,是指出版物的 h5 指数所涵盖的所有文章获得的引用次数的中位值。隐藏
出版物h5 指数h5 中位数
1.American Political Science Review82125
2.British Journal of Political Science6894
3.American Journal of Political Science63119
4.Journal of European Public Policy63101
5.The Journal of Politics6289
6.Comparative Political Studies6286
7.Annual Review of Political Science55107
8.West European Politics5584
9.European Journal of Political Research5277
10.Political Behavior4972
12.Journal of Democracy4774
13.Perspectives on Politics4771
14.Political Analysis4583
15.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies4560
16.Political Science Research and Methods4483
17.Party Politics4366
18.Political Studies4266
19.Journal of European Integration4057