Ljubomir Jovanov
Ljubomir Jovanov
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Multiresolution denoising for optical coherence tomography: a review and evaluation
A Pizurica, L Jovanov, B Huysmans, V Zlokolica, P De Keyser, ...
Current Medical Imaging 4 (4), 270-284, 2008
Deep visible and thermal image fusion for enhanced pedestrian visibility
I Shopovska, L Jovanov, W Philips
Sensors 19 (17), 3727, 2019
Combined wavelet-domain and motion-compensated video denoising based on video codec motion estimation methods
L Jovanov, A Pizurica, S Schulte, P Schelkens, A Munteanu, E Kerre, ...
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 19 (3), 417-421, 2009
AlfaNum system for speech synthesis in Serbian language
M Sečujski, R Obradović, D Pekar, L Jovanov, V Delić
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 5th International Conference, TSD 2002 Brno …, 2002
Obstacle detection for pedestrians with a visual impairment based on 3D imaging
M Vlaminck, L Jovanov, P Van Hese, B Goossens, W Philips, A Pižurica
2013 International Conference on 3D Imaging, 1-7, 2013
Image denoising using quadtree-based nonlocal means with locally adaptive principal component analysis
C Zuo, L Jovanov, B Goossens, HQ Luong, W Philips, Y Liu, M Zhang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (4), 434-438, 2016
Fuzzy logic-based approach to wavelet denoising of 3D images produced by time-of-flight cameras
L Jovanov, A Pižurica, W Philips
Optics Express 18 (22), 22651-22676, 2010
Performance of four subjective video quality assessment protocols and impact of different rating preprocessing and analysis methods
A Kumcu, K Bombeke, L Platiša, L Jovanov, J Van Looy, W Philips
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (1), 48-63, 2016
Visual quality assessment of H. 264/AVC compressed laparoscopic video
AE Kumcu, K Bombeke, H Chen, L Jovanov, L Platisa, HQ Luong, ...
Medical Imaging 2014: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology …, 2014
Object tracking using naive bayesian classifiers
N Petrović, L Jovanov, A Pižurica, W Philips
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 10th International …, 2008
The effect of the color filter array layout choice on state-of-the-art demosaicing
A Stojkovic, I Shopovska, H Luong, J Aelterman, L Jovanov, W Philips
Sensors 19 (14), 3215, 2019
RGB-NIR demosaicing using deep residual U-Net
I Shopovska, L Jovanov, W Philips
2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2018
Semiautomatic Epicardial Fat Segmentation Based on Fuzzy c‐Means Clustering and Geometric Ellipse Fitting
V Zlokolica, L Krstanović, L Velicki, B Popović, M Janev, R Obradović, ...
Journal of healthcare engineering 2017 (1), 5817970, 2017
Semantic-guided radar-vision fusion for depth estimation and object detection
WY Lee, L Jovanov, W Philips
Cross-modality attention and multimodal fusion transformer for pedestrian detection
WY Lee, L Jovanov, W Philips
European Conference on Computer Vision, 608-623, 2022
AlfaNum sistem za sintezu govora na osnovu teksta na srpskom jeziku
M Sečujski, R Obradović, D Pekar, L Jovanov, V Delić
Proc. DOGS 2002, 21-27, 2002
Efficient foreground detection for real‐time surveillance applications
S Gruenwedel, NI Petrović, L Jovanov, JO Niņo‐Casta‐ņeda, A Pižurica, ...
Electronics Letters 49 (18), 1143-1145, 2013
Wavelet-based denoising for 3D OCT images
V Zlokolica, L Jovanov, A Pižurica, P De Keyser, F Dhaenens, W Philips
Applications of Digital Image Processing XXX 6696, 254-264, 2007
Multi-view target transformation for pedestrian detection
WY Lee, L Jovanov, W Philips
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
Rotation invariant similarity measure for non-local self-similarity based image denoising
C Zuo, L Jovanov, HQ Luong, B Goossens, W Philips, Y Liu, M Zhang
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1618-1622, 2015
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Articles 1–20