Antonio Morales-Esteban
Antonio Morales-Esteban
在 us.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Neural networks to predict earthquakes in Chile
J Reyes, A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez
Applied Soft Computing 13 (2), 1314-1328, 2013
Determining the best set of seismicity indicators to predict earthquakes. Two case studies: Chile and the Iberian Peninsula
F Martínez-Álvarez, J Reyes, A Morales-Esteban, C Rubio-Escudero
Knowledge-Based Systems 50, 198-210, 2013
Pattern recognition to forecast seismic time series
A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Troncoso, JL Justo, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 8333-8342, 2010
Earthquake prediction in California using regression algorithms and cloud-based big data infrastructure
G Asencio–Cortés, A Morales–Esteban, X Shang, F Martínez–Álvarez
Computers & Geosciences 115, 198-210, 2017
Medium–large earthquake magnitude prediction in Tokyo with artificial neural networks
G Asencio-Cortés, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Troncoso, A Morales-Esteban
Neural Computing and Applications 28 (5), 1043-1055, 2017
Improving microseismic event and quarry blast classification using Artificial Neural Networks based on Principal Component Analysis
X Shang, X Li, A Morales-Esteban, G Chen
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 99, 142-149, 2017
Earthquake prediction in seismogenic areas of the Iberian Peninsula based on computational intelligence
A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez, J Reyes
Tectonophysics 593, 121-134, 2013
A fast partitioning algorithm using adaptive Mahalanobis clustering with application to seismic zoning
A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez, S Scitovski, R Scitovski
Computers & geosciences 73, 132-141, 2014
A sensitivity study of seismicity indicators in supervised learning to improve earthquake prediction
G Asencio-Cortés, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Morales-Esteban, J Reyes
Knowledge-Based Systems 101, 15-30, 2016
Identifying P phase arrival of weak events: The Akaike Information Criterion picking application based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition
X Li, X Shang, A Morales-Esteban, Z Wang
Computers & Geosciences 100, 57-66, 2017
Detecting precursory patterns to enhance earthquake prediction in Chile
E Florido, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Morales-Esteban, J Reyes, ...
Computers & Geosciences 76, 112-120, 2015
Analysis of the soil structure-interaction effects on the seismic vulnerability of mid-rise RC buildings in Lisbon
MV Requena-Garcia-Cruz, R Bento, P Durand-Neyra, A Morales-Esteban
Structures 38, 599-617, 2022
Enhancing micro-seismic P-phase arrival picking: EMD-cosine function-based denoising with an application to the AIC picker
X Shang, X Li, A Morales-Esteban, L Dong
Journal of Applied Geophysics 150, 325-337, 2018
Comparing seismic parameters for different source zone models in the Iberian Peninsula
JL Amaro-Mellado, A Morales-Esteban, G Asencio-Cortés, ...
Tectonophysics 717, 449-472, 2017
An index-based method for evaluating seismic retrofitting techniques. Application to a reinforced concrete primary school in Huelva
MV Requena-García-Cruz, A Morales-Esteban, P Durand-Neyra, ...
PLoS One 14 (4), e0215120, 2019
Mapping of seismic parameters of the Iberian Peninsula by means of a geographic information system
JL Amaro-Mellado, A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez
Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-20, 2017
Big data and natural disasters: New approaches for spatial and temporal massive data analysis
F Martínez–Álvarez, A Morales–Esteban
Computers & Geosciences 129, 38-39, 2019
Earthquake magnitude prediction based on artificial neural networks: A survey
E Florido, JL Aznarte, A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez
Croatian Operational Research Review 7 (2), 159-169, 2016
Improving earthquake prediction with principal component analysis: application to Chile
G Asencio-Cortés, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Morales-Esteban, J Reyes, ...
International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 393-404, 2015
Computational intelligence techniques for predicting earthquakes
F Martínez-Álvarez, A Troncoso, A Morales-Esteban, JC Riquelme
International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 287-294, 2011
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