Patrick Ip
Patrick Ip
Clinical Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, The University of
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Nurturing care: promoting early childhood development
PR Britto, SJ Lye, K Proulx, AK Yousafzai, SG Matthews, T Vaivada, ...
The lancet 389 (10064), 91-102, 2017
Human infection with influenza H9N2
M Peiris, KY Yuen, CW Leung, KH Chan, PLS Ip, RWM Lai, WK Orr, ...
The Lancet 354 (9182), 916-917, 1999
Gaming disorder: Its delineation as an important condition for diagnosis, management, and prevention
JB Saunders, W Hao, J Long, DL King, K Mann, M Fauth-Bühler, ...
Journal of behavioral addictions 6 (3), 271-279, 2017
Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective: Commentary on: A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err …
HJ Rumpf, S Achab, J Billieux, H Bowden-Jones, N Carragher, ...
Journal of behavioral addictions 7 (3), 556-561, 2018
Vulnerability and resilience in children during the COVID-19 pandemic
WWY Tso, RS Wong, KTS Tung, N Rao, KW Fu, JCS Yam, GT Chua, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry, 1-16, 2020
Trends in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases
SR Raman, KKC Man, S Bahmanyar, A Berard, S Bilder, T Boukhris, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 5 (10), 824-835, 2018
Short-and potential long-term adverse health outcomes of COVID-19: a rapid review
TYM Leung, AYL Chan, EW Chan, VKY Chan, CSL Chui, BJ Cowling, ...
Emerging microbes & infections 9 (1), 2190-2199, 2020
Spinal muscular atrophy: survival pattern and functional status
BHY Chung, VCN Wong, P Ip
Pediatrics 114 (5), e548-e553, 2004
A study on body weight perception and weight control behaviours among adolescents in Hong Kong
PCH Cheung, PLS Ip, ST Lam, H Bibby
Hong Kong medical journal 13 (1), 16, 2007
Parental involvement in primary school education: Its relationship with children’s academic performance and psychosocial competence through engaging children with school
RSM Wong, FKW Ho, WHS Wong, KTS Tung, CB Chow, N Rao, KL Chan, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 1544-1555, 2018
Excessive screen time and psychosocial well-being: the mediating role of body mass index, sleep duration, and parent-child interaction
J Zhao, Y Zhang, F Jiang, P Ip, FKW Ho, Y Zhang, H Huang
The Journal of pediatrics 202, 157-162. e1, 2018
How people react to Zika virus outbreaks on Twitter? A computational content analysis
KW Fu, H Liang, N Saroha, ZTH Tse, P Ip, ICH Fung
American journal of infection control 44 (12), 1700-1702, 2016
Family poly-victimization and cyberbullying among adolescents in a Chinese school sample
QQ Chen, CKM Lo, Y Zhu, A Cheung, KL Chan, P Ip
Child abuse & neglect 77, 180-187, 2018
Physical activity improves mental health through resilience in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents
FKW Ho, LHT Louie, CB Chow, WHS Wong, P Ip
BMC pediatrics 15, 1-9, 2015
Myopia incidence and lifestyle changes among school children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based prospective study
X Zhang, SSL Cheung, HN Chan, Y Zhang, YM Wang, BH Yip, KW Kam, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 106 (12), 1772-1778, 2022
Carditis after COVID-19 vaccination with a messenger RNA vaccine and an inactivated virus vaccine: a case–control study
FTT Lai, X Li, K Peng, L Huang, P Ip, X Tong, CSL Chui, EYF Wan, ...
Annals of internal medicine 175 (3), 362-370, 2022
Early childhood development and cognitive development in developing countries: A rigorous literature review. Department for International Development.
N Rao, J Sun, JMS Wong, B Weekes, P Ip, S Shaeffer, M Young, M Bray, ...
Effectiveness of virtual and augmented reality-enhanced exercise on physical activity, psychological outcomes, and physical performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis …
YL Ng, F Ma, FK Ho, P Ip, K Fu
Computers in Human Behavior 99, 278-291, 2019
Epidemiology of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in Hong Kong adolescents following comirnaty vaccination
GT Chua, MYW Kwan, CSL Chui, RD Smith, ECL Cheung, T Ma, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 75 (4), 673-681, 2022
Severe acute respiratory syndrome in children: experience in a regional hospital in Hong Kong
W Chiu, PCH Cheung, KL Ng, PLS Ip, VK Sugunan, DCK Luk, LCK Ma, ...
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 4 (3), 279-283, 2003
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Articles 1–20