William J Gibson
William J Gibson
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
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Cited by
Molecular profiling reveals biologically discrete subsets and pathways of progression in diffuse glioma
M Ceccarelli, FP Barthel, TM Malta, TS Sabedot, SR Salama, BA Murray, ...
Cell 164 (3), 550-563, 2016
Comprehensive molecular portraits of invasive lobular breast cancer
G Ciriello, ML Gatza, AH Beck, MD Wilkerson, SK Rhie, A Pastore, ...
Cell 163 (2), 506-519, 2015
Stent thrombogenicity early in high-risk interventional settings is driven by stent design and deployment and protected by polymer-drug coatings
K Kolandaivelu, R Swaminathan, WJ Gibson, VB Kolachalama, ...
Circulation 123 (13), 1400-1409, 2011
BET Bromodomain Inhibition of MYC-Amplified Medulloblastoma
P Bandopadhayay, G Bergthold, B Nguyen, S Schubert, S Gholamin, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 20 (4), 912-925, 2014
MYB-QKI rearrangements in angiocentric glioma drive tumorigenicity through a tripartite mechanism
P Bandopadhayay, LA Ramkissoon, P Jain, G Bergthold, J Wala, R Zeid, ...
Nature genetics 48 (3), 273-282, 2016
The genomic landscape and evolution of endometrial carcinoma progression and abdominopelvic metastasis
WJ Gibson, EA Hoivik, MK Halle, A Taylor-Weiner, AD Cherniack, A Berg, ...
Nature genetics 48 (8), 848-855, 2016
EGLN1 inhibition and rerouting of α-ketoglutarate suffice for remote ischemic protection
BA Olenchock, J Moslehi, AH Baik, SM Davidson, J Williams, WJ Gibson, ...
Cell 164 (5), 884-895, 2016
SWELL1 is a regulator of adipocyte size, insulin signalling and glucose homeostasis
Y Zhang, L Xie, SK Gunasekar, D Tong, A Mishra, WJ Gibson, C Wang, ...
Nature cell biology 19 (5), 504-517, 2017
Dysfunctional endothelial cells directly stimulate cancer inflammation and metastasis
JW Franses, NC Drosu, WJ Gibson, VC Chitalia, ER Edelman
International journal of cancer 133 (6), 1334-1344, 2013
Landscape of genomic alterations in pituitary adenomas
WL Bi, P Horowitz, NF Greenwald, M Abedalthagafi, PK Agarwalla, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (7), 1841-1851, 2017
Timing of Myocardial Trpm7 Deletion During Cardiogenesis Variably Disrupts Adult Ventricular Function, Conduction, and Repolarization
R Sah, P Mesirca, X Mason, W Gibson, C Bates-Withers, ...
Circulation 128 (2), 101-114, 2013
Loss of heterozygosity of essential genes represents a widespread class of potential cancer vulnerabilities
CA Nichols, WJ Gibson, MS Brown, JA Kosmicki, JP Busanovich, H Wei, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2517, 2020
ARID1A and TERT promoter mutations in dedifferentiated meningioma
MS Abedalthagafi, WL Bi, PH Merrill, WJ Gibson, MF Rose, Z Du, ...
Cancer genetics 208 (6), 345-350, 2015
Copy-number and gene dependency analysis reveals partial copy loss of wild-type SF3B1 as a novel cancer vulnerability
BR Paolella, WJ Gibson, LM Urbanski, JA Alberta, TI Zack, ...
Elife 6, e23268, 2017
Heparanase regulates thrombosis in vascular injury and stent-induced flow disturbance
AB Baker, WJ Gibson, VB Kolachalama, M Golomb, L Indolfi, C Spruell, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59 (17), 1551-1560, 2012
Molecular profiling of endometrial carcinoma precursor, primary and metastatic lesions suggests different targets for treatment in obese compared to non-obese patients
A Berg, EA Hoivik, S Mjøs, F Holst, HMJ Werner, IL Tangen, ...
Oncotarget 6 (2), 1327, 2014
Use of the TIMI frame count in the assessment of coronary artery blood flow and microvascular function over the past 15 years
V Kunadian, C Harrigan, C Zorkun, AM Palmer, KJ Ogando, LH Biller, ...
Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis 27, 316-328, 2009
Machine learning versus traditional risk stratification methods in acute coronary syndrome: a pooled randomized clinical trial analysis
WJ Gibson, T Nafee, R Travis, M Yee, M Kerneis, M Ohman, CM Gibson
Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 1-9, 2020
Endovascular devices/catheter platforms and methods for achieving congruency in sequentially deployed devices
K Kolandaivelu, RV Swaminathan, WJ Gibson, ER Edelman
US Patent App. 12/819,478, 2010
Intracoronary pharmacotherapy in the management of coronary microvascular dysfunction
V Kunadian, C Zorkun, SP Williams, LH Biller, AM Palmer, KJ Ogando, ...
Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis 26, 234-242, 2008
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Articles 1–20