Andrea Charão
Cited by
Cited by
VXDL: Virtual resources and interconnection networks description language
GP Koslovski, PVB Primet, AS Charao
Networks for Grid Applications: Second International Conference, GridNets …, 2009
PhenoGlad: A model for simulating development in Gladiolus
LO Uhlmann, NA Streck, CC Becker, NT Schwab, RP Benedetti, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 82, 33-49, 2017
Performance improvement of data mining in Weka through GPU acceleration
TA Engel, AS Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, LA Steffenel
Procedia Computer Science 32, 93-100, 2014
Test case generation from BPMN models for automated testing of Web-based BPM applications
JL de Moura, AS Charao, JCD Lima, B de Oliveira Stein
2017 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Its …, 2017
Metadados para um sistema de gestão eletrônica de documentos arquivísticos
G Lucca, AS Charão, BO STEIN
Arquivística. net, Rio de Janeiro 2 (1), 70-84, 2006
Improving the performance of Apache Hadoop on pervasive environments through context-aware scheduling
G W. Cassales, A Schwertner Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 7, 333-345, 2016
Per-mare: Adaptive deployment of mapreduce over pervasive grids
LA Steffenel, O Flauzac, AS Charão, PP Barcelos, B Stein, ...
2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2013
Performance improvement of data mining in Weka through multi-core and GPU acceleration: opportunities and pitfalls
TA Engel, AS Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, LA Steffenel
Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing 6, 377-390, 2015
Context-aware scheduling for apache hadoop over pervasive environments
GW Cassales, AS Charão, MK Pinheiro, C Souveyet, LA Steffenel
Procedia Computer Science 52, 202-209, 2015
Mapreduce challenges on pervasive grids
LA Steffenel, O Flauzac, AS Charão, PP Barcelos, B Stein, GW Cassales, ...
Journal of Computer Science 10 (11), 2194-2210, 2014
Impact of pay-as-you-go Cloud Platforms on Software Pricing and Development: A Review and Case Study
FP Barbosa, AS Charão
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2012: 12th International …, 2012
Multiprogrammation parallèle générique des méthodes de décomposition de domaine
AS Charão
Grenoble INPG, 2001
Energy-aware scheduling of parallel programs
A Carissimi, C Geyer, N Maillard, POA Navaux, GGH Cavalheiro, M Pilla, ...
CLCAR 2010, 2010, Brasil., 2010
FlexVAPs: a system for managing virtual appliances in heterogeneous virtualized environments
D Kreutz, A Charao
2009 Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-12, 2009
Explorando resultados por questao no enade em ciência da computaçao para subsidiar revisao de projeto pedagógico de curso
AS Charão, K Wiechork, MLS Rodrigues, FP Barbosa
Anais do XXVIII Workshop sobre Educaçao em Computaçao, 16-20, 2020
Mundo virtual Minecraft: uma experiência no ensino de circuitos digitais
H Cagnini, A Charão, P Barcelos, B de Azevedo
Anais do XXIII Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, 206-215, 2015
SimulArroz: Um aplicativo para estimar a produtividade de arroz no Rio Grande do Sul
NA Streck, AS Charão, LC Walter, HT Rosa, RP Benedetti, E Marchesan, ...
Congresso Brasileiro de Arroz Irrigado 8, 1618-1627, 2013
Formação profissional da enfermagem para aprimoramento de competências: revisão integrativa
A de Lima Izaguirres, CB da Silva, AAA Lima, AA Paz
Revista Recien-Revista Científica de Enfermagem 12 (38), 183-193, 2022
Um estudo sobre protocolos de comunicação para ambientes de internet das coisas
G Rotta, A Charão, M Dantas
Anais da XVII Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 2017
Bringing context to apache hadoop
G Cassales, A Charao, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet, L Steffenel
8th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, 2014
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Articles 1–20