Judith Anne Garretson Folse
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Cited by
A scale for measuring attitude toward private label products and an examination of its psychological and behavioral correlates
S Burton, DR Lichtenstein, RG Netemeyer, JA Garretson
Journal of the academy of marketing science 26, 293-306, 1998
Antecedents of private label attitude and national brand promotion attitude: similarities and differences
JA Garretson, D Fisher, S Burton
Journal of retailing 78 (2), 91-99, 2002
Cause-related marketing (CRM): The influence of donation proximity and message-framing cues on the less-involved consumer
SL Grau, JAG Folse
Journal of advertising 36 (4), 19-33, 2007
The strategic implementation process: evoking strategic consensus through communication
MI Rapert, A Velliquette, JA Garretson
Journal of business research 55 (4), 301-310, 2002
Brand authenticity: Testing the antecedents and outcomes of brand management's passion for its products
JG Moulard, RD Raggio, JAG Folse
Psychology & marketing 33 (6), 421-436, 2016
Spokes-characters: Creating character trust and positive brand attitudes
JA Garretson, RW Niedrich
Journal of advertising 33 (2), 25-36, 2004
Effects of nutrition facts panel values, nutrition claims, and health claims on consumer attitudes, perceptions of disease-related risks, and trust
JA Garretson, S Burton
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 19 (2), 213-227, 2000
Cause-relating marketing: The effects of purchase quantity and firm donation amount on consumer inferences and participation intentions
JAG Folse, RW Niedrich, SL Grau
Journal of Retailing 86 (4), 295-309, 2010
The influence of coupon face value on service quality expectations, risk perceptions and purchase intentions in the dental industry
JA Garretson, KE Clow
Journal of Services Marketing 13 (1), 59-72, 1999
The role of spokescharacters as advertisement and package cues in integrated marketing communications
JA Garretson, S Burton
Journal of Marketing 69 (4), 118-132, 2005
An exploratory study into the purchase decision process used by leisure travelers in hotel selection
KE Chow, JA Garretson, DL Kurtz
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 2 (4), 53-72, 1995
Implications of accurate usage of nutrition facts panel information for food product evaluations and purchase intentions
S Burton, JA Garretson, AM Velliquette
Journal of the Academy of Marketing science 27, 470-480, 1999
The moderating influence of consumers' temporal orientation on the framing of societal needs and corporate responses in cause-related marketing campaigns
AH Tangari, JAG Folse, S Burton, J Kees
Journal of Advertising 39 (2), 35-50, 2010
Highly coupon and sale prone consumers: benefits beyond price savings
JA Garretson, S Burton
Journal of Advertising Research 43 (2), 162-172, 2003
Gratitude in relationship marketing: theoretical development and directions for future research
R D. Raggio, A M. Walz, M Bose Godbole, J Anne Garretson Folse
European Journal of Marketing 48 (1/2), 2-24, 2014
Disentangling the meanings of brand authenticity: The entity-referent correspondence framework of authenticity
JG Moulard, RD Raggio, JAG Folse
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49, 96-118, 2021
The meaning of quality: Expectations of students in pursuit of an MBA
MI Rapert, S Smith, A Velliquette, JA Garretson
Journal of Education for Business 80 (1), 17-24, 2004
Cause-related marketing: An exploratory study of campaign donation structures issues
SL Grau, JA Garretson, J Pirsch
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 18 (2), 69-91, 2007
Gratitude works: its impact and the mediating role of affective commitment in driving positive outcomes
RD Raggio, JAG Folse
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 37, 455-469, 2009
The road to customer loyalty paved with service customization
DE Bock, SM Mangus, JAG Folse
Journal of Business Research 69 (10), 3923-3932, 2016
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Articles 1–20