Han Jiang
Han Jiang
在 home.swjtu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Understanding of scratch-induced damage mechanisms in polymers
H Jiang, R Browning, HJ Sue
polymer 50 (16), 4056-4065, 2009
Influence of surface roughness and contact load on friction coefficient and scratch behavior of thermoplastic olefins
H Jiang, R Browning, J Fincher, A Gasbarro, S Jones, HJ Sue
Applied Surface Science 254 (15), 4494-4499, 2008
Finite element method parametric study on scratch behavior of polymers
H Jiang, GT Lim, JN Reddy, JD Whitcomb, HJ Sue
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 45 (12), 1435-1447, 2007
Quantitative evaluation of scratch visibility resistance of polymers
H Jiang, RL Browning, MM Hossain, HJ Sue, M Fujiwara
Applied Surface Science 256 (21), 6324-6329, 2010
Mechanical modeling of scratch behavior of polymeric coatings on hard and soft substrates
H Jiang, R Browning, JD Whitcomb, M Ito, M Shimouse, TA Chang, ...
Tribology letters 37 (2), 159-167, 2010
Study the safeguarding performance of shear thickening gel by the mechanoluminescence method
S Zhang, S Wang, T Hu, S Xuan, H Jiang, X Gong
Composites Part B: Engineering 180, 107564, 2020
Effect of constitutive behavior on scratch visibility resistance of polymers—A finite element method parametric study
MM Hossain, H Jiang, HJ Sue
Wear 270 (11-12), 751-759, 2011
Scratch behavior of epoxy nanocomposites containing αzirconium phosphate and coreshell rubber particles
E Moghbelli, L Sun, H Jiang, WJ Boo, HJ Sue
Polymer Engineering & Science 49 (3), 483-490, 2009
Effect of stick-slip on the scratch performance of polypropylene
H Jiang, Q Cheng, C Jiang, J Zhang, L Yonghua
Tribology International 91, 1-5, 2015
Modeling of competition between shear yielding and crazing in amorphous polymers’ scratch
H Jiang, J Zhang, Z Yang, C Jiang, G Kang
International Journal of Solids and Structures 124, 215-228, 2017
Constitutive modeling of the rate- and temperature-dependent macro-yield behavior of amorphous glassy polymers
C Jiang, Z Zhu, J Zhang, Z Yang, H JIANG
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 179, 105653, 2020
Peridynamic fracture and damage modeling of membranes and nanofiber networks
F Bobaru, SA Silling, H Jiang
Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Fracture, Turin, Italy …, 2005
Highly Flexible Multilayered e-Skins for Thermal-Magnetic-Mechanical Triple Sensors and Intelligent Grippers
S Liu, S Wang, S Xuan, S Zhang, X Fan, H Jiang, P Song, X Gong
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (13), 15675-15685, 2020
Semi-analytical method for calculating vibration characteristics of variable cross-section beam
C Cui, H Jiang, YH Li
Zhendong yu Chongji(Journal of Vibration and Shock) 31 (14), 85-88, 2012
Finite deformation constitutive model for macro-yield behavior of amorphous glassy polymers with a molecular entanglement-based internal-state variable,
H JIANG, C Jiang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 161, 105064, 2019
Experimental studies on the uniaxial ratchetting of polycarbonate polymer at different temperatures
F Lu, G Kang, H Jiang, J Zhang, Y Liu
Polymer Testing 39, 92-100, 2014
A test procedure for separating viscous recovery and accumulated unrecoverable deformation of polymer under cyclic loading
H Jiang, J Zhang, G Kang, C Xi, C Jiang, Y Liu
Polymer Testing 32 (8), 1445-1451, 2013
Non-proportionally multiaxial cyclic deformation of AZ31 magnesium alloy: Experimental observations
H Li, G Kang, Y Liu, H Jiang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 671, 70-81, 2016
In-situ observation of temperature rise during scratch testing of poly (methylmethacrylate) and polycarbonate
J Zhang, H Jiang, C Jiang, Q Cheng, G Kang
Tribology International 95, 1-4, 2016
Macroscopic and microscopic investigations on uniaxial ratchetting of two-phase Ti–6Al–4V alloy
G Kang, Y Dong, Y Liu, H Jiang
Materials Characterization 92, 26-35, 2014
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