Eugene Kronberg
Eugene Kronberg
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Thalamocortical dysrhythmia: a neurological and neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by magnetoencephalography
RR Llinás, U Ribary, D Jeanmonod, E Kronberg, PP Mitra
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (26), 15222-15227, 1999
Residual cerebral activity and behavioural fragments can remain in the persistently vegetative brain
ND Schiff, U Ribary, DR Moreno, B Beattie, E Kronberg, R Blasberg, ...
Brain 125 (6), 1210-1234, 2002
Intrinsic hippocampal activity as a biomarker for cognition and symptoms in schizophrenia
JR Tregellas, J Smucny, JG Harris, A Olincy, K Maharajh, E Kronberg, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 171 (5), 549-556, 2014
The interactive use of magnetoencephalography in stereotactic image-guided neurosurgery
AR Rezai, M Hund, E Kronberg, M Zonenshayn, J Cappell, U Ribary, ...
Neurosurgery 39 (1), 92-102, 1996
Nicotine effects on default mode network during resting state
J Tanabe, E Nyberg, LF Martin, J Martin, D Cordes, E Kronberg, ...
Psychopharmacology 216, 287-295, 2011
An extended motor network generates beta and gamma oscillatory perturbations during development
TW Wilson, E Slason, R Asherin, E Kronberg, ML Reite, PD Teale, ...
Brain and cognition 73 (2), 75-84, 2010
Cortical source estimates of gamma band amplitude and phase are different in schizophrenia
P Teale, D Collins, K Maharajh, DC Rojas, E Kronberg, M Reite
Neuroimage 42 (4), 1481-1489, 2008
Transient and steady-state auditory gamma-band responses in first-degree relatives of people with autism spectrum disorder
DC Rojas, PD Teale, K Maharajh, E Kronberg, K Youngpeter, LB Wilson, ...
Molecular autism 2, 1-13, 2011
Thalamocortical dysrhythmia I. Functional and imaging aspects
R Llinás, U Ribary, D Jeanmonod, R Cancro, E Kronberg, J Schulman, ...
Thalamus & Related Systems 1 (3), 237-244, 2001
Magnetoencephalographic mapping: basis of a new functional risk profile in the selection of patients with cortical brain lesions
M Hund, AR Rezai, E Kronberg, J Cappell, M Zonenshayn, U Ribary, ...
Neurosurgery 40 (5), 936-943, 1997
Altered default network activity in obesity
JR Tregellas, KP Wylie, DC Rojas, J Tanabe, J Martin, E Kronberg, ...
Obesity 19 (12), 2316-2321, 2011
Neuropsychiatric thalamocortical dysrhythmia: surgical implications
D Jeanmonod, J Schulman, R Ramirez, R Cancro, M Lanz, A Morel, ...
Thalamus & Related Systems 2 (2), 103-113, 2003
Levodopa modulates small‐world architecture of functional brain networks in Parkinson's disease
BD Berman, J Smucny, KP Wylie, E Shelton, E Kronberg, M Leehey, ...
Movement Disorders 31 (11), 1676-1684, 2016
Analysis of training-induced changes in ethyl acetate odor maps using a new computational tool to map the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb
E Salcedo, C Zhang, E Kronberg, D Restrepo
Chemical senses 30 (7), 615-626, 2005
Thalamocortical dysrhythmia II. Clinical and surgical aspects
D Jeanmonod, M Magnin, A Morel, M Siegemund, A Cancro, M Lanz, ...
Thalamus & Related Systems 1 (3), 245-254, 2001
Abnormal gamma and beta MEG activity during finger movements in early-onset psychosis
TW Wilson, E Slason, R Asherin, E Kronberg, PD Teale, ML Reite, ...
Developmental neuropsychology 36 (5), 596-613, 2011
Altered oscillation patterns and connectivity during picture naming in autism
I Buard, SJ Rogers, S Hepburn, E Kronberg, DC Rojas
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 742, 2013
Cranial index of symmetry: an objective semiautomated measure of plagiocephaly
M Zonenshayn, E Kronberg, MM Souweidane
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 100 (5), 537-540, 2004
Kinematic visualization of human magnetic encephalography
MN Ustinin, E Kronberg, SV Filippov, VV Sytchev, EV Sobolev, R Llinás
Математическая биология и биоинформатика 5 (2), 176-187, 2010
Introduction of magnetoencephalography to stereotactic techniques
AR Rezai, M Hund, E Kronberg, V Deletis, M Zonenshayn, J Cappell, ...
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 65 (1-4), 37-41, 1995
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Articles 1–20