Jesse R. Sparks
Jesse R. Sparks
Managing Senior Research Scientist, Educational Testing Service
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Cited by
Assessing digital information literacy in higher education: A review of existing frameworks and assessments with recommendations for next‐generation assessment
JR Sparks, IR Katz, PM Beile
ETS Research Report Series 2016 (2), 1-33, 2016
Readers' reliance on source credibility in the service of comprehension.
JR Sparks, DN Rapp
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (1), 230, 2011
Assessing written communication in higher education: Review and recommendations for next‐generation assessment
JR Sparks, Y Song, W Brantley, OL Liu
ETS Research Report Series 2014 (2), 1-52, 2014
Discourse processing—examining our everyday language experiences
JR Sparks, DN Rapp
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 1 (3), 371-381, 2010
Key practices in the English language arts (ELA): Linking learning theory, assessment, and instruction
P Deane, J Sabatini, G Feng, J Sparks, Y Song, M Fowles, T O'Reilly, ...
ETS Research Report Series 2015 (2), 1-29, 2015
Cognitively based assessment of research and inquiry skills: Defining a key practice in the English language arts
JR Sparks, P Deane
ETS Research Report Series 2015 (2), 1-55, 2015
Building a game-enhanced formative assessment to gather evidence about middle school students’ argumentation skills
Y Song, JR Sparks
Educational Technology Research and Development 67, 1175-1196, 2019
Measuring argumentation skills through a game-enhanced scenario-based assessment
Y Song, JR Sparks
Journal of Educational Computing Research 56 (8), 1324-1344, 2019
Language/discourse comprehension and understanding
JR Sparks
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, 1713-1717, 2012
Assessing online collaborative inquiry and social deliberation skills as learners navigate multiple sources and perspectives
J Coiro, JR Sparks, JM Kulikowich
Handbook of multiple source use, 485-501, 2018
Learner modeling in the context of caring assessments
D Zapata-Rivera, B Lehman, JR Sparks
Adaptive Instructional Systems: Second International Conference, AIS 2020 …, 2020
Scenario-based formative assessment of key practices in the English language arts
P Deane, JR Sparks
Handbook of formative assessment in the disciplines, 68-96, 2019
Students engaging in multiple-source inquiry tasks: Capturing dimensions of collaborative online inquiry and social deliberation
J Coiro, JR Sparks, C Kiili, J Castek, C Lee, BR Holland
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 68 (1), 271-292, 2019
Assessing source evaluation skills of middle school students using learning progressions
JR Sparks, PW van Rijn, P Deane
Educational Assessment 26 (4), 213-240, 2021
Enacting a process for developing culturally relevant classroom assessments
EP O’Dwyer, JR Sparks, L Nabors Oláh
Applied Measurement in Education 36 (3), 286-303, 2023
When Should an Adaptive Assessment Care?
B Lehman, JR Sparks, D Zapata-Rivera
ITS Workshops, 87-94, 2018
Simulated dialogues with virtual agents: Effects of agent features in conversation-based assessments
JR Sparks, D Zapata-Rivera, B Lehman, K James, J Steinberg
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 19th International Conference, AIED …, 2018
Development and Validation of the Written Communication Assessment of the HEIghten® Outcomes Assessment Suite
JA Rios, JR Sparks, M Zhang, OL Liu
ETS Research Report Series 2017 (1), 1-16, 2017
Individual difference measures that predict performance on conversation-based assessments of science inquiry skills
JR Sparks, S Peters, J Steinberg, K James, BA Lehman, D Zapata-Rivera
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada, 2019
Unreliable and Anomalous: How the Credibility of Data Affects Belief Revision
JR Sparks, DN Rapp
Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, 2011
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Articles 1–20