Henry CB Chan
Henry CB Chan
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
在 comp.polyu.edu.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
Enabling technologies for wireless body area networks: A survey and outlook
H Cao, V Leung, C Chow, H Chan
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (12), 84-93, 2009
E-commerce, fundamentals and applications
H Chan, R Lee, T Dillon, E Chang
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
An integrated maritime surveillance system based on high-frequency surface-wave radars. 1. Theoretical background and numerical simulations
L Sevgi, A Ponsford, HC Chan
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 43 (4), 28-43, 2001
A survey on mobile social networks: Applications, platforms, system architectures, and future research directions
X Hu, THS Chu, VCM Leung, ECH Ngai, P Kruchten, HCB Chan
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (3), 1557-1581, 2014
Vita: A crowdsensing-oriented mobile cyber-physical system
X Hu, THS Chu, HCB Chan, VCM Leung
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 1 (1), 148-165, 2013
Dynamic reservation TDMA protocol for wireless ATM networks
JF Frigon, VCM Leung, HCB Chan
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19 (2), 370-383, 2001
Key management issues in wireless sensor networks: current proposals and future developments
JC Lee, VCM Leung, KH Wong, J Cao, HCB Chan
IEEE Wireless Communications 14 (5), 76-84, 2007
A framework for optimizing the cost and performance of next-generation IP routers
HCB Chan, HM Alnuweiri, VCM Leung
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 17 (6), 1013-1029, 1999
A web-enabled framework for smart card applications in health services
ATS Chan, J Cao, H Chan, G Young
Communications of the ACM 44 (9), 76-82, 2001
An efficient mailbox-based algorithm for message delivery in mobile agent systems
X Feng, J Cao, J Lü, H Chan
Mobile Agents: 5th International Conference, MA 2001 Atlanta, GA, USA …, 2001
S-aframe: agent-based multilayer framework with context-aware semantic service for vehicular social networks
X Hu, J Zhao, BC Seet, VCM Leung, THS Chu, H Chan
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 3 (1), 44-63, 2015
Polling-based protocols for packet voice transport over IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks
RYW Lam, VCM Leung, HCB Chan
IEEE Wireless Communications 13 (1), 22-29, 2006
Proof-of-play: A novel consensus model for blockchain-based peer-to-peer gaming system
HY Yuen, F Wu, W Cai, HCB Chan, Q Yan, VCM Leung
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM international symposium on blockchain and secure …, 2019
Reliable message delivery for mobile agents: Push or pull?
J Cao, X Feng, J Lu, HCB Chan, SK Das
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2004
An energy-efficient and cluster-parent based RPL with power-level refinement for low-power and lossy networks
M Zhao, PHJ Chong, HCB Chan
Computer Communications 104, 17-33, 2017
Fuzzy logic-based resource allocation algorithm for V2X communications in 5G cellular networks
M Zhang, Y Dou, PHJ Chong, HCB Chan, BC Seet
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (8), 2501-2513, 2021
Design and implementation of a mobile agent-based auction system
HCB Chan, ISK Ho, RST Lee
2001 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal …, 2001
Decentralized adaptive indoor positioning protocol using Bluetooth Low Energy
YH Ho, HCB Chan
Computer Communications 159, 231-244, 2020
Quality-of-Experience Optimization for a Cloud Gaming System With Ad Hoc Cloudlet Assistance
W Cai, Z Hong, X Wang, HCB Chan, VCM Leung
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 25 (12), 2092 …, 2015
Memory-aware task scheduling with communication overhead minimization for streaming applications on bus-based multiprocessor system-on-chips
Y Wang, Z Shao, HCB Chan, D Liu, Y Guan
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 25 (7), 1797-1807, 2013
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