Boutouhami khaoula
Boutouhami khaoula
computer science
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Cited by
Uncertain ontology-aware knowledge graph embeddings
K Boutouhami, J Zhang, G Qi, H Gao
Semantic Technology: 9th Joint International Conference, JIST 2019, Hangzhou …, 2020
Resolving logical contradictions in description logic ontologies based on integer linear programming
Q Ji, K Boutouhami, G Qi
IEEE Access 7, 71500-71510, 2019
A comprehensive bibliometric analysis on opinion mining and sentiment analysis global research output
IH Musa, I Zamit, K Xu, K Boutouhami, G Qi
Journal of Information Science 49 (6), 1506-1516, 2023
Uncertain lightweight ontologies in a product-based possibility theory framework
K Boutouhami, S Benferhat, F Khellaf, F Nouioua
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 88, 237-258, 2017
An approximate possibilistic graphical model for computing optimistic qualitative decision
K Boutouhami, F Khellaf
In proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2015
Representing lightweight ontologies in a product-based possibility theory framework
S Benferhat, K Boutouhami, F Khellaf, F Nouioua
Soft Methods for Data Science, 45-52, 2017
Algorithms for quantitative-based possibilistic lightweight ontologies
S Benferhat, K Boutouhami, F Khellaf, F Nouioua
Trends in Applied Knowledge-Based Systems and Data Science: 29th …, 2016
Optimistic decision making using an approximate graphical model
K Boutouhami, F Khellaf
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications 6 (2), 1, 2015
Uncertain Ontology Embeddings
K Boutouhami, G Qi, Q Ji, J Zhang, H Gao
2020 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing …, 2020
Qualitative Possibilistic Decisions: Decomposition and Sequential Decisions Making
S Benferhat, K Boutouhami, HF Khellaf-Haned, I Zeddigha
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 8th International Conference, ICAART …, 2017
An Argumentation-Based Approach for Computing Inconsistency Degree in Possibilistic Lightweight Ontologies
K Boutouhami, IH Musa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1229 (1), 012081, 2019
Les modèles graphiques et logiques pour la gestion des informations incohérentes et incertaines
K Boutouhami
Artois, 2017
An Integer 0-1 Linear Programming Approach for Computing Inconsistency Degree in Product-Based Possibilistic DL-Lite
S Benferhat, K Boutouhami, F Khellaf, F Nouioua
Scalable Uncertainty Management: 11th International Conference, SUM 2017 …, 2017
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Articles 1–13