Jorge Gallastegui
Jorge Gallastegui
Profesor Titular. Geodinámica Interna. Facultad de Geología. Universidad de Oviedo
在 uniovi.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Estructura cortical de la cordillera y margen continental cantábricos: perfiles ESCI-N
J Gallastegui
Trab Geol 22, 1-221, 2000
Initiation of an active margin at the North Iberian continentocean transition
J Gallastegui, JA Pulgar, J Gallart
Tectonics 21 (4), 15-1-15-14, 2002
Crustal transition between continental and oceanic domains along the North Iberian margin from wide angle seismic and gravity data
G FernéndezViejo, J Gallart, JA Pulgar, J Gallastegui, JJ Dañobeitia, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (23), 4249-4252, 1998
Geophysical-petrological modeling of the lithosphere beneath the Cantabrian Mountains and the North-Iberian margin: geodynamic implications
D Pedreira, JC Afonso, JA Pulgar, J Gallastegui, A Carballo, M Fernandez, ...
Lithos 230, 46-68, 2015
Topo-Iberia project: CGPS crustal velocity field in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco
J Garate, J Martin-Davila, G Khazaradze, A Echeverria, E Asensio, AJ Gil, ...
GPS Solutions 19 (2), 287-295, 2015
Extensional tectonics and gravitational collapse in an Ordovician passive margin: The Western Argentine Precordillera
JL Alonso, J Gallastegui, J García-Sansegundo, P Farias, LRR Fernández, ...
Gondwana Research 13 (2), 204-215, 2008
Geomorphology of the avilés canyon system, Cantabrian sea (Bay of Biscay)
M Gómez-Ballesteros, M Druet, A Muñoz, B Arrese, J Rivera, F Sánchez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 106, 99-117, 2014
Analysis of kilometric-scale superposed folding in the Central Coal Basin (Cantabrian zone, NW Spain)
J Aller, J Gallastegui
Journal of Structural Geology 17 (7), 961-969, 1995
The pre-andean phases of construction of the southern Andes basement in neoproterozoic–paleozoic times
N Heredia, J García-Sansegundo, G Gallastegui, P Farias, R Giacosa, ...
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes, 111-131, 2018
The ESCI-N2 deep seismic reflection profile: a traverse across the
JA Pulgar, A Pérez-Estaún, J Gallart, J Álvarez-Marrón, J Gallastegui
Rev. Soc. Geol. España 8, 4, 1995
Evolución Geodinámica de los Andes argentinochilenos y la Península Antártica durante el Neoproterozoico tardío y el Paleozoico
N Heredia, J García-Sansegundo, PJ Farias Arquer, JL Alonso Alonso, ...
Trabajos de Geología, 36, 2016
The fossil accretionary wedge of the Bay of Biscay: Critical wedge analysis on depth-migrated seismic sections and geodynamical implications
G Fernandez-Viejo, JA Pulgar, J Gallastegui, L Quintana
The Journal of Geology 120 (3), 315-331, 2012
Gondwanic and Andean structure in the Argentine central Precordillera: the Río San Juan section revisited
JL Alonso, LR Rodríguez Fernández, J García-Sansegundo, N Heredia, ...
6th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics. IRD Editions (Institut de …, 2005
2-D seismic modeling of the Variscan foreland thrust and fold belt crust in NW Spain from ESCIN-1 deep seismic reflection data
J Gallastegui, JA Pulgar, J Alvarez-Marrón
Tectonophysics 269 (1-2), 21-32, 1997
The MARCONI reflection seismic data: A view into the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay
G Fernández-Viejo, J Gallastegui, JA Pulgar, J Gallart
Tectonophysics 508 (1-4), 34-41, 2011
Results from the ESCI-N4 marine deep seismic profile in the northern Iberian Margin
A Pérez-Estaún, JA Pulgar, J Alvarez-Marrón, JJ Dañobeitia, ...
Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 8, 355-363, 1995
Alpine tectonic wedging and crustal delamination in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain)
J Gallastegui, JA Pulgar, J Gallart Muset
Solid Earth 7 (4), 1043-1057, 2016
The ESCI-N Project after a decade: A síntesis of the results and open questions
GF Viejo, J Gallastegui
Trabajos de geología, 9-27, 2005
Variscan foreland thrust and fold belt (NW Spain)
J Gallastegui, R Rodríguez, N Heredia, M Bulnes, E Banda, JRM Catalán, ...
Rev. Soc. Geol. España 8, 4, 1995
Salt tectonics within the offshore Asturian Basin: North Iberian margin
G Zamora, M Fleming, J Gallastegui
Permo-Triassic salt provinces of Europe, North Africa and the Atlantic …, 2017
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