Peter Štarchoň
Peter Štarchoň
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management
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Cited by
Velký slovník marketingových komunikací
O Jurášková, P Horňák
Grada Publishing as, 2012
Marketingová komunikace a moderní trendy v marketingu
M Hesková, P Štarchoň
Oeconomica, 2009
Employee motivation as a tool to achieve sustainability of business processes
S Lorincová, P Štarchoň, D Weberová, M Hitka, M Lipoldová
Sustainability 11 (13), 3509, 2019
Knowledge and human capital as sustainable competitive advantage in human resource management
M Hitka, A Kucharčíková, P Štarchoň, Ž Balážová, M Lukáč, Z Stacho
Sustainability 11 (18), 4985, 2019
Strategic instrument for sustainability of human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises using management data
S Lorincová, M Hitka, P Štarchoň, K Stachová
Sustainability 10 (10), 3687, 2018
Application of cluster analysis in marketing communications in small and medium-sized enterprises: An empirical study in the Slovak Republic
L Ližbetinová, P Štarchoň, S Lorincová, D Weberová, P Průša
Sustainability 11 (8), 2302, 2019
The global health pandemic and its impact on the motivation of employees in micro and small enterprises: a case study in the Slovak Republic
M Hitka, P Štarchoň, Z Caha, S Lorincová, M Sedliačiková
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 35 (1), 458-479, 2022
Strategic tool of human resource management for operation of SMEs in the wood-processing industry
M Hitka, S Lorincová, GP Bartáková, L Lizbetinova, P Starchon, C Li, ...
BioResources 13 (2), 2759-2774, 2018
Sustainability of human resource management processes through employee motivation and job satisfaction
M Hitka, J Schmidtová, S Lorincová, P Štarchoň, D Weberová, R Kampf
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 18 (2), 7-26, 2021
Education as a key in career building
M Hitka, P Štarchoň, S Lorincová, Z Caha
Journal of Business Economics and Management 22 (4), 1065-1083, 2021
Leadership and motivation as important aspects of the international companyˇ¦s corporate culture
I Košičiarová, Z Kádeková, P Štarchoň
Sustainability 13 (7), 3916, 2021
Audit of museum marketing communication in the modern management context
V Kupec, M Lukáč, P Štarchoň, G Pajtinková Bartáková
International Journal of Financial Studies 8 (3), 39, 2020
GDPR principles in data protection encourage pseudonymization through most popular and full-personalized devices-mobile phones
P Štarchoň, T Pikulík
Procedia Computer Science 151, 303-312, 2019
Environmental sustainability disclosures in annual reports of ASX Industrials List companies
A Miklosik, P Starchon, M Hitka
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-19, 2021
The approach of SMEs to using the customer databases and CRM: Empirical study in the Slovak Republic
L Ližbetinová, P Štarchoň, D Weberová, E Nedeliaková, M Juříková
Sustainability 12 (1), 227, 2019
Employee motivation as a tool to achieve sustainability of business processes. Sustainability, 11 (13), 3509
S Lorincová, P Štarchoň, D Weberova, M Hitka, M Lipoldová
Measuring E-commerce user experience in the last-mile delivery
V Vrhovac, S Vasić, S Milisavljević, B Dudić, P Štarchoň, M Žižakov
Mathematics 11 (6), 1482, 2023
Vademecum reklamy: vybrané teoretické aspekty
Univerzita Komenského, 2004
How to manage careers in Slovak small and medium-sized wood-processing enterprises
M Hitka, L Ližbetinová, J Schmidtová, Ž Balážová, S Lorincová, ...
BioResources 13 (3), 6300-6320, 2018
Základy marketing
G Bartáková, V Cibáková, P ŠTARCHO
Bratislava, 2007
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Articles 1–20