Summra Saleem
Cited by
Cited by
Learning deep C3D features for soccer video event detection
MZ Khan, S Saleem, MA Hassan, MUG Khan
2018 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), 1-6, 2018
FNReq-Net: A hybrid computational framework for functional and non-functional requirements classification
S Saleem, MN Asim, L Van Elst, A Dengel
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (8), 101665, 2023
Neural attention model for abstractive text summarization using linguistic feature space
A Dilawari, MUG Khan, S Saleem, FS Shaikh
IEEE Access 11, 23557-23564, 2023
Efficient Facial Recognition Authentication Using Edge and Density Variant Sketch Generator.
S Saleem, MU Ghani Khan, T Saba, I Abunadi, A Rehman, SA Bahaj
Computers, Materials & Continua 70 (1), 2022
Stateful human-centered visual captioning system to aid video surveillance
S Saleem, A Dilawari, UG Khan, R Iqbal, S Wan, T Umer
Computers & Electrical Engineering 78, 108-119, 2019
Robust sound classification for surveillance using time frequency audio features
SU Hassan, MZ Khan, MUG Khan, S Saleem
2019 International Conference on Communication Technologies (ComTech), 13-18, 2019
Spoofed voice detection using dense features of stft and mdct spectrograms
S Saleem, A Dilawari, UG Khan
2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), 56-61, 2021
Supervised neural network for offline forgery detection of handwritten signature
S Summra, MG Usman, A Muhammad
2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing …, 2021
Story based video retrieval using deep visual and textual information
MA Hassan, S Saleem, MZ Khan, MUG Khan
2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital …, 2019
Zahoor-Ur-Rehman, and FS Shaikh,“
A Dilawari, MUG Khan, S Saleem
Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Text Summarization Using Linguistic …, 2023
Scene recognition by joint learning of DNN from bag of visual words and convolutional DCT features
A Rehman, S Saleem, UG Khan, S Jabeen, MO Shafiq
Applied Artificial Intelligence 35 (9), 623-641, 2021
Voice conversion and spoofed voice detection from parallel English and Urdu corpus using cyclic GANs
S Saleem, A Dilawari, MUG Khan, M Husnain
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Industry (ICRAI …, 2019
Diagnose a disease: A fog assisted disease diagnosis framework with bidirectional LSTM
H Javaid, S Saleem, B Wajid, UG Khan
2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative …, 2021
Multimedia forensic: an approach for splicing detection based on deep visual features
S Saleem, A Dilawari
2019 International conference on robotics and automation in industry (ICRAI …, 2019
Study on text summarization using extractive methods
SM Saleem, M Nikita
Int J Sci Eng Technol Res (IJSETR) 4, 2015
RPRP-SAP: A Robust and Precise ResNet Predictor for Steering Angle Prediction of Autonomous Vehicles
S Saleem, MN Asim, L Van Elst, P Schichtel, A Dengel
IEEE Access, 2024
Ball-by-Ball Cricket Commentary Generation using Stateful Sequence-to-Sequence Model
ZU Abideen, S Jabeen, S Saleem, MUG Khan
2021 International Conference on Communication Technologies (ComTech), 97-102, 2021
Scene recognition of surveillance data using deep features and supervised classifiers
S Jabeen, S Saleem, A Azam, UG Khan
2019 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences …, 2019
MLR-predictor: a versatile and efficient computational framework for multi-label requirements classification
S Saleem, MN Asim, L Van Elst, M Junker, A Dengel
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 7, 1481581, 2024
Cross Input Neighbourhood Difference for Re-identification of Occupational Humans
AS Mohammad, S Saleem, A Dilawari, MUG Khan
2019 22nd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC), 1-6, 2019
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Articles 1–20