Bibiana I. Ferreira
Bibiana I. Ferreira
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A TARBP2 mutation in human cancer impairs microRNA processing and DICER1 function
SA Melo, S Ropero, C Moutinho, LA Aaltonen, H Yamamoto, GA Calin, ...
Nature genetics 41 (3), 365-370, 2009
Biological significance of cancer-associated sialyl-Tn antigen: modulation of malignant phenotype in gastric carcinoma cells
S Pinho, NT Marcos, B Ferreira, AS Carvalho, MJ Oliveira, F Santos-Silva, ...
Cancer letters 249 (2), 157-170, 2007
Helicobacter pylori induces β3GnT5 in human gastric cell lines, modulating expression of the SabA ligand sialyl–Lewis x
NT Marcos, A Magalhães, B Ferreira, MJ Oliveira, AS Carvalho, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 118 (6), 2325-2336, 2008
CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated genome editing: From basic research to translational medicine
FV Jacinto, W Link, BI Ferreira
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 24 (7), 3766-3778, 2020
Oligonucleotide array-CGH identifies genomic subgroups and prognostic markers for tumor stage mycosis fungoides
R Salgado, O Servitje, F Gallardo, MH Vermeer, PL Ortiz-Romero, ...
Journal of investigative dermatology 130 (4), 1126-1135, 2010
Induction of lysosomal and mitochondrial biogenesis by AMPK phosphorylation of FNIP1
N Malik, BI Ferreira, PE Hollstein, SD Curtis, E Trefts, S Weiser Novak, ...
Science 380 (6642), eabj5559, 2023
Mantle cell lymphoma: transcriptional regulation by microRNAs
L Di Lisio, G Gomez-Lopez, M Sanchez-Beato, C Gomez-Abad, ...
Leukemia 24 (7), 1335-1342, 2010
Comparative genome profiling across subtypes of low-grade B-cell lymphoma identifies type-specific and common aberrations that target genes with a role in B-cell neoplasia
BI Ferreira, JF García, J Suela, M Mollejo, FI Camacho, A Carro, S Montes, ...
Haematologica 93 (5), 670-679, 2008
Array CGH and gene-expression profiling reveals distinct genomic instability patterns associated with DNA repair and cell-cycle checkpoint pathways in Ewing's sarcoma
BI Ferreira, J Alonso, J Carrillo, F Acquadro, C Largo, J Suela, ...
Oncogene 27 (14), 2084-2090, 2008
DNA profiling analysis of 100 consecutive de novo acute myeloid leukemia cases reveals patterns of genomic instability that affect all cytogenetic risk groups
J Suela, S Alvarez, F Cifuentes, C Largo, BI Ferreira, D Blesa, M Ardanaz, ...
Leukemia 21 (6), 1224-1231, 2007
Small molecule inhibitors of CRM1
BI Ferreira, B Cautain, I Grenho, W Link
Frontiers in pharmacology 11, 625, 2020
Multiple myeloma primary cells show a highly rearranged unbalanced genome with amplifications and homozygous deletions irrespective of the presence of immunoglobulin-related …
C Largo, B Saéz, S Alvarez, J Suela, B Ferreira, D Blesa, ...
Pensiero Scientifico/Ferrata Storti Foundation, 2007
Downregulation of specific miRNAs in hyperdiploid multiple myeloma mimics the oncogenic effect of IgH translocations occurring in the non-hyperdiploid subtype
A Rio-Machin, BI Ferreira, T Henry, G Gómez-López, X Agirre, S Alvarez, ...
Leukemia 27 (4), 925-931, 2013
Terminal α1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine in Helicobacter pylori-associated Intestinal Metaplasia of the Human Stomach and Gastric Carcinoma Cell Lines
B Ferreira, NT Marcos, L David, J Nakayama, CA Reis
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 54 (5), 585-591, 2006
Omicron (BA. 1) SARS-CoV-2 variant is associated with reduced risk of hospitalization and length of stay compared with Delta (B. 1.617. 2)
A Peralta-Santos, EF Rodrigues, J Moreno, V Ricoca, P Casaca, ...
MedRxiv, 2022.01. 20.22269406, 2022
FOXO family isoforms
BF Santos, I Grenho, PJ Martel, BI Ferreira, W Link
Cell Death & Disease 14 (10), 702, 2023
Discovery of a novel, isothiazolonaphthoquinone-based small molecule activator of FOXO nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling
B Cautain, F Castillo, L Musso, BI Ferreira, N de Pedro, ...
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167491, 2016
Decavanadate and metformin-decavanadate effects in human melanoma cells
AL De Sousa-Coelho, M Aureliano, G Fraqueza, G Serrão, J Gonçalves, ...
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 235, 111915, 2022
Harmine and piperlongumine revert TRIB2-mediated drug resistance
S Machado, A Silva, AL De Sousa-Coelho, I Duarte, I Grenho, B Santos, ...
Cancers 12 (12), 3689, 2020
One-minute and green synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles assisted by design of experiments and high energy ultrasound: Application to biosensing and immunoprecipitation
CH Pérez-Beltrán, JJ García-Guzmán, B Ferreira, O Estevez-Hernandez, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 123, 112023, 2021
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Articles 1–20