Prof. Shamini Prathapan
Prof. Shamini Prathapan
其他姓名Chair Professor in Community Medicine, S Prathapan, Shamini Prathapan
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
在 sjp.ac.lk 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamic interventions to control COVID-19 pandemic: a multivariate prediction modelling study comparing 16 worldwide countries
R Chowdhury, K Heng, MSR Shawon, G Goh, D Okonofua, ...
European journal of epidemiology 35, 389-399, 2020
Sweet taste sensitivity in pre-diabetics, diabetics and normoglycemic controls: a comparative cross sectional study
S Wasalathanthri, P Hettiarachchi, S Prathapan
BMC endocrine disorders 14, 1-7, 2014
Predictors of diabetic foot and leg ulcers in a developing country with a rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus
KA Sriyani, S Wasalathanthri, P Hettiarachchi, S Prathapan
PloS one 8 (11), e80856, 2013
Factors influencing self-management of Diabetes Mellitus; a review article
G Kisokanth, S Prathapan, J Indrakumar, J Joseph
Journal of diabetology 4 (3), 6, 2013
Change in dengue and Japanese encephalitis seroprevalence rates in Sri Lanka
C Jeewandara, L Gomes, SA Paranavitane, M Tantirimudalige, ...
PloS one 10 (12), e0144799, 2015
Functionality of dengue virus specific memory T cell responses in individuals who were hospitalized or who had mild or subclinical dengue infection
C Jeewandara, TN Adikari, L Gomes, S Fernando, RH Fernando, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9 (4), e0003673, 2015
Risk and recurrence of serious adverse outcomes in the first and second pregnancies of women with preexisting diabetes
PWG Tennant, RW Bilous, S Prathapan, R Bell
Diabetes Care 38 (4), 610-619, 2015
A preliminary study on efficacy of rupatadine for the treatment of acute dengue infection
GN Malavige, A Wijewickrama, S Fernando, C Jeewandara, A Ginneliya, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3857, 2018
The Global Dynamic Interventions Strategies for COVID-19 Collaborative Group. Dynamic interventions to control covid-19 pandemic: a multivariate prediction modelling study …
R Chowdhury, K Heng, MSR Shawon, G Goh, D Okonofua, ...
Eur J Epidemiol 35 (5), 389-399, 2020
Proportion of lower limb fungal foot infections in patients with type 2 diabetes at a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka
TM Wijesuriya, MM Weerasekera, J Kottahachchi, KNP Ranasinghe, ...
Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism 18 (1), 63-69, 2014
Sri Lanka’s early success in the containment of COVID-19 through its rapid response: Clinical & epidemiological evidence from the initial case series
C Arambepola, ND Wickramasinghe, S Jayakody, SA Hewage, ...
PLoS One 16 (7), e0255394, 2021
Maternal vitamin D status and its effect on vitamin D levels in early infancy in a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka
K Anusha, U Hettiaratchi, D Gunasekera, S Prathapan, G Liyanage
International journal of endocrinology 2019 (1), 9017951, 2019
Content analysis of food and beverages advertisements targeting children and adults on television in Sri Lanka
S Prathapan, K Wijewardena, WY Low
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 28 (1_suppl), 86S-92S, 2016
‘Why are you not dead yet?’–dimensions and the main driving forces of stigma and discrimination among COVID-19 patients in Sri Lanka
S Jayakody, SA Hewage, ND Wickramasinghe, RAP Piyumanthi, ...
Public Health 199, 10-16, 2021
Knowledge on Diabetic Retinopathy among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka
BSS Prathapan
Journal of US-China Medical Science 13, 35-46, 2016
How good is the quality of antenatal care in the Colombo district of Sri Lanka in diagnosing and treating anaemia?
S Prathapan, G Lindmark, P Fonseka, A Lokubalasooriya, R Prathapan
Quality in Primary Care 19 (4), 245-250, 2011
Urinary incontinence of women in a nationwide study in sri lanka: prevalence and risk factors
R Pathiraja, S Prathapan, S Goonawardena
Urology Journal 14 (3), 3075-3080, 2017
The rising complexity and burden of multimorbidity in a middle-income country
S Prathapan, GVMC Fernando, AT Matthias, ...
PLoS One 15 (12), e0243614, 2020
The effect of socioeconomic factors on quality of life of elderly in Jaffna district of Sri Lanka
S Santhalingam, S Sivagurunathan, S Prathapan, S Kanagasabai, ...
PLOS Global Public Health 2 (8), e0000916, 2022
The association of health-related factors with quality of life among the elderly population in the Jaffna district of Sri Lanka
S Santhalingam, S Sivagurunathan, S Prathapan, S Kanagasabai, ...
BMC Public Health 21, 1-10, 2021
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