Marcela D. Rodríguez
Cited by
Cited by
Context-aware mobile communication in hospitals
MG Muñoz, Rodríguez, Favela
IEEE Computer 36 (9), 38-46, 2003
Location-aware access to hospital information and services
MD Rodríguez, J Favela, EA Martínez, MA Muñoz
IEEE Transactions on information technology in biomedicine 8 (4), 448-455, 2004
Integrating context-aware public displays into a mobile hospital information system
J Favela, M Rodríguez, A Preciado, VM González
IEEE transactions on information technology in Biomedicine 8 (3), 279-286, 2004
Privacy-aware autonomous agents for pervasive healthcare
M Tentori, J Favela, MD Rodriguez
IEEE Intelligent Systems 21 (6), 55-62, 2006
Agent-based ambient intelligence for healthcare
MD Rodríguez, J Favela, A Preciado, A Vizcaíno
Ai Communications 18 (3), 201-216, 2005
Home-based communication system for older adults and their remote family
MD Rodríguez, VM Gonzalez, J Favela, PC Santana
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (3), 609-618, 2009
Supporting context-aware collaboration in a hospital: an ethnographic informed design
MA Muñoz, VM Gonzalez, M Rodríguez, J Favela
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use: 9th InternationalWorkshop, CRIWG …, 2003
Supporting the strategies to improve elders’ medication compliance by providing ambient aids
JP García-Vázquez, MD Rodríguez, ÁG Andrade, J Bravo
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 15, 389-397, 2011
Activity inference for ambient intelligence through handling artifacts in a healthcare environment
FE Martínez-Pérez, JÁ González-Fraga, JC Cuevas-Tello, MD Rodríguez
Sensors 12 (1), 1072-1099, 2012
An agent-based architecture for developing activity-aware systems for assisting elderly.
JP García-Vázquez, MD Rodríguez, M Tentori, D Saldaña-Jimenez, ...
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 16 (12), 1500-1520, 2010
Understanding the use of contextual cues: design implications for medication adherence technologies that support remembering
K Stawarz, MD Rodríguez, AL Cox, A Blandford
Digital health 2, 2055207616678707, 2016
Supporting emotional ties among mexican elders and their families living abroad
PC Santana, MD Rodríguez, VM González, LA Castro, ÁG Andrade
CHI'05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2099-2103, 2005
Intervention tailoring in augmented cognition systems for elders with dementia
RF Navarro, MD Rodríguez, J Favela
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (1), 361-367, 2013
Nurse home visits with or without alert buttons versus usual care in the frail elderly: a randomized controlled trial
J Favela, LA Castro, F Franco-Marina, S Sánchez-García, ...
Clinical interventions in aging, 85-95, 2013
CAMMInA: a mobile ambient information system to motivate elders to exercise
MD Rodríguez, JR Roa, AL Morán, S Nava-Muñoz
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17, 1127-1134, 2013
Agent based mobile collaboration and information access in a healthcare environment
M Rodriguez, J Favela, V Gonzalez, M Munoz
Proceedings of Workshop of E-Health: Applications of Computing Science in …, 2003
A framework for supporting autonomous agents in ubiquitous computing environments
M Rodriguez, J Favela
Proceedings of System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop at the Fifth …, 2003
Persuasive strategies for motivating elders to exercise
MD Rodríguez, JR Roa, AL Morán, S Nava-Muñoz
2012 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2012
Autonomous agents to support interoperability and physical integration in pervasive environments
M Rodríguez, J Favela
International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, 278-287, 2003
In-car ambient displays for safety driving gamification
MD Rodríguez, RR Roa, JE Ibarra, CM Curlango
Proceedings of the 5th Mexican conference on human-computer interaction, 26-29, 2014
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Articles 1–20