Zhaolun Liu
Zhaolun Liu
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Wave equation dispersion inversion of surface waves recorded on irregular topography
J Li, FC Lin, A Allam, Y Ben-Zion, Z Liu, G Schuster
Geophysical Journal International 217 (1), 346-360, 2019
3D wave-equation dispersion inversion of Rayleigh waves
Z Liu, J Li, SM Hanafy, G Schuster
Geophysics 84 (5), R673-R691, 2019
Wave-equation dispersion inversion of Love waves
J Li, S Hanafy, Z Liu, GT Schuster
Geophysics 84 (5), R693-R705, 2019
Deep convolutional neural network and sparse least-squares migration
Z Liu, Y Chen, G Schuster
Geophysics 85 (4), WA241-WA253, 2020
Convolutional sparse coding for noise attenuation in seismic data
Z Liu, K Lu
Geophysics 86 (1), V23-V30, 2021
An optimized implicit finite-difference scheme for the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation
Z Liu, P Song, J Li, J Li, X Zhang
Geophysical Journal International 202 (3), 1805-1826, 2015
3D Wave-equation Dispersion Inversion of Surface Waves Recorded on Irregular Topography
Z Liu, J Li, SM Hanafy, K Lu, G Schuster
Geophysics 85 (3), 1-93, 2020
Imaging near-surface heterogeneities by natural migration of backscattered surface waves: Field data test
Z Liu, A AlTheyab, SM Hanafy, G Schuster
Geophysics 82 (3), S197-S205, 2017
Noise reduction with reflection supervirtual interferometry
K Lu, Z Liu, S Hanafy, G Schuster
Geophysics 85 (3), V249-V256, 2020
Multiscale and Layer-Stripping Wave-Equation Dispersion Inversion of Rayleigh Waves
Z Liu, L Huang
Geophysical Journal International, 2019
The fourth-order absorbing boundary condition with optimized coefficients for the simulation of the acoustic equation
P Song, Z Liu, X Zhang, J Tan, D Xia, J Li, B Zhu
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 12 (6), 996-1007, 2015
Least squares migration: Current and future directions
G Schuster, Z Liu
81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 2019 (1), 1-5, 2019
Time-domain full waveform inversion using the gradient preconditioning based on transmitted wave energy
P Song, J Tan, Z Liu, X Zhang, B Liu, K Yu, J Li, D Xia, C Xie
Journal of Ocean University of China 18, 859-867, 2019
3D wave-equation dispersion inversion of surface waves
Z Liu, J Li, SM Hanafy, G Schuster
Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting 2018, 4733-4734, 2018
Superresolution near-field imaging with surface waves
L Fu, Z Liu, G Schuster
Geophysical Journal International 212 (2), 1111-1122, 2018
Memory optimization in RNN-based full waveform inversion using boundary saving wavefield reconstruction
S Wang, Y Jiang, P Song, J Tan, Z Liu, B He
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023
Neural Network Least Squares Migration
Z Liu, G Schuster
First EAGE/SBGf Workshop on Least-Squares Migration 2018, 1-5, 2018
Imaging near-surface heterogeneities by natural migration of surface waves
Z Liu, A Altheyab, S Hanafy, G Schuster
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, 2016
Laplace-Domain Crosstalk-Free Source-Encoded Elastic Full Waveform Inversion Using Time-Domain Solvers
Z Liu, J Hoffmann, E Bachmann, C Cui, FJ Simons, J Tromp
Geophysics 89 (4), 1-113, 2024
2d near‐surface full‐waveform tomography reveals bedrock controls on critical zone architecture
BJ Eppinger, WS Holbrook, Z Liu, BA Flinchum, J Tromp
Earth and Space Science 11 (2), e2023EA003248, 2024
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