Ibrahim M.J. Mohialdeen
Ibrahim M.J. Mohialdeen
Professor, College of Science, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan region, Iraq
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Geochemical and petrographic characterization of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Chia Gara Formation in Northern Iraq: palaeoenvironment and oil-generation potential
IMJ Mohialdeen, MH Hakimi, FM Al-Beyati
Marine and Petroleum Geology 43, 166-177, 2013
Geochemical characterisation of Tithonian–Berriasian Chia Gara organic-rich rocks in northern Iraq with an emphasis on organic matter enrichment and the relationship to the …
IMJ Mohialdeen, MH Hakimi
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 116, 181-197, 2016
Generation and expulsion history of oil-source rock (Middle Jurassic Sargelu Formation) in the Kurdistan of north Iraq, Zagros folded belt: Implications from 1D basin modeling …
MH Hakimi, AA Najaf, RA Abdula, IMJ Mohialdeen
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 162, 852-872, 2018
Geochemical characteristics of crude oils and basin modelling of the probable source rocks in the Southern Mesopotamian Basin, South Iraq
AJ Al-Khafaji, MH Hakimi, IMJ Mohialdeen, RM Idan, WE Afify, AA Lashin
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, 107641, 2021
Biomarker characteristics of certain crude oils and the oil-source rock correlation for the Kurdistan oilfields, Northern Iraq
IMJ Mohialdeen, MH Hakimi, FM Al-Beyati
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 507-523, 2015
Solid bitumen, bituminite and thermal maturity of the upper jurassic-lower cretaceous chia gara formation, Kirkuk oil field, Zagros fold belt, Kurdistan, Iraq
J Kus, P Khanaqa, IMJ Mohialdeen, S Kaufhold, HG Babies, J Meßner, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 165, 28-48, 2016
Inorganic geochemical evidence for the depositional facies associations of the Upper Jurassic Chia Gara Formation in NE Iraq
IMJ Mohialdeen, SM Raza
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6, 4755-4770, 2013
Source rock appraisal and oil/source correlation for the Chia Gara Formation, Kurdistan-north Iraq
IMJ Mohyaldin
Sulaimani: College of Science, University of Sulaimani, 235p, 2008
Hydrocarbon generation potential and thermal maturity of Middle Jurassic Sargelu Formation in Miran Field, Sulaimani Area, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq
SS Fatah, IMJ Mohialdeen
Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani 2, 213-228, 2016
Thermal modeling and hydrocarbon generation of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Chia Gara Formation in Iraqi Kurdistan region, northern Zagros Fold Belt
MMEN Mohammed Hail Hakimi, Ibrahim M.J. Mohialdeen , Ahmed Askar Al Ahmed
Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 2017
Petroleum generation characteristics of heterogeneous source rock from Chia Gara formation in the Kurdistan region, northern Iraq as inferred by bulk and quantitative pyrolysis …
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, IMJ Mohialdeen, YM Makeen, KA Mustapha
Marine and Petroleum Geology 71, 260-270, 2016
Biomarker analysis of the upper Jurassic Naokelekan and Barsarin formations in the Miran Well-2, Miran oil field, Kurdistan region, Iraq
IMJ Mohialdeen, KA Mustafa, DA Salih, MA Sephton, DA Saeed
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-15, 2018
Manufacture of brick tiles from local raw materials, N and NE Iraq
TA Merza, IM Mohyaldin
Methodology 8, 9, 2005
Geochemical assessment of Naopurdan limestone for cement making-Chwarta area, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq
TA Mirza, IMJ Mohialdeen, SH Al-Hakarri, CM Fatah
Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani Part-A-(Pure and Applied Sciences), Special …, 2016
Sedimentology and hydrocarbon generation potential of middle tithonian-berriassian chia gara formation, well k-109, Kirkuk oil field, NE Iraq
IMJ Mohyaldin, FM Al-Beyati
Journal of Kirkuk University-Scientific Studies 2 (1), 27-43, 2007
The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds in Kurdistan–a preliminary note on wider correlations
WAP Wimbledon, IMJ Mohialdeen, G Andreini
Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani-Part A, 269-276, 2016
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of organic rich limestones of the Chia Gara Formation, Rania area, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region
IMJ Mohialdeen
NE Iraq. J. Zankoy Sulaimani A 10, 91-102, 2007
Geochemical and geological modeling of the Late Jurassic Meem Shale Member in the Al-Jawf sub-basin, Yemen: Implications for regional oil and gas exploration
MH Hakimi, AS Alaug, AA Lashin, IMJ Mohialdeen, MMA Yahya, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 105, 313-330, 2019
Biomarkers and inorganic geochemical elements of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous limestone sediments from Banik Village in the Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq: implications for …
MH Hakimi, IMJ Mohialdeen, WH Abdullah, W Wimbledon, YM Makeen, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 9407-9421, 2015
Source rock appraisal and oil/source correlation for the Chia Gara formation, Kurdistan, N Iraq
IMJ Mohialdeen
PhD thesis, Unpublished, University of Sulaimani, 2008
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Articles 1–20