Laura Busse
Laura Busse
LMU Munich, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Munich
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Stimulus contrast modulates functional connectivity in visual cortex
I Nauhaus, L Busse, M Carandini, DL Ringach
Nature neuroscience 12 (1), 70-76, 2009
The detection of visual contrast in the behaving mouse
L Busse, A Ayaz, NT Dhruv, S Katzner, AB Saleem, ML Schölvinck, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (31), 11351-11361, 2011
The spread of attention across modalities and space in a multisensory object
L Busse, KC Roberts, RE Crist, DH Weissman, MG Woldorff
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (51), 18751-18756, 2005
Electrophysiological activity underlying inhibitory control processes in normal adults
M Schmajuk, M Liotti, L Busse, MG Woldorff
Neuropsychologia 44 (3), 384-395, 2006
Representation of concurrent stimuli by population activity in visual cortex
L Busse, AR Wade, M Carandini
Neuron 64 (6), 931-942, 2009
Effects of locomotion extend throughout the mouse early visual system
S Erisken, A Vaiceliunaite, O Jurjut, M Fiorini, S Katzner, L Busse
Current Biology 24 (24), 2899-2907, 2014
Dynamics of gamma-band activity during an audiospatial working memory task in humans
W Lutzenberger, B Ripper, L Busse, N Birbaumer, J Kaiser
Journal of neuroscience 22 (13), 5630-5638, 2002
GABAA inhibition controls response gain in visual cortex
S Katzner, L Busse, M Carandini
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (16), 5931-5941, 2011
The temporal dynamics of the effects in occipital cortex of visual-spatial selective attention
MG Woldorff, M Liotti, M Seabolt, L Busse, JL Lancaster, PT Fox
Cognitive Brain Research 15 (1), 1-15, 2002
Subcortical source and modulation of the narrowband gamma oscillation in mouse visual cortex
AB Saleem, AD Lien, M Krumin, B Haider, MR Roson, A Ayaz, K Reinhold, ...
Neuron 93 (2), 315-322, 2017
Temporal dynamics of neuronal modulation during exogenous and endogenous shifts of visual attention in macaque area MT
L Busse, S Katzner, S Treue
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 105 (42), 16380-16385, 2008
Spatial integration in mouse primary visual cortex
A Vaiceliunaite, S Erisken, F Franzen, S Katzner, L Busse
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (4), 964-972, 2013
Sensation during active behaviors
L Busse, JA Cardin, ME Chiappe, MM Halassa, MJ McGinley, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (45), 10826-10834, 2017
Population rate dynamics and multineuron firing patterns in sensory cortex
M Okun, P Yger, SL Marguet, F Gerard-Mercier, A Benucci, S Katzner, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (48), 17108-17119, 2012
Learning enhances sensory processing in mouse V1 before improving behavior
O Jurjut, P Georgieva, L Busse, S Katzner
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (27), 6460-6474, 2017
Attention to the color of a moving stimulus modulates motion-signal processing in macaque area MT: evidence for a unified attentional system
S Katzner, L Busse, S Treue
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 3, 813, 2009
Mouse dLGN receives functional input from a diverse population of retinal ganglion cells with limited convergence
MR Rosón, Y Bauer, AH Kotkat, P Berens, T Euler, L Busse
Neuron 102 (2), 462-476. e8, 2019
Robustness of traveling waves in ongoing activity of visual cortex
I Nauhaus, L Busse, DL Ringach, M Carandini
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (9), 3088-3094, 2012
The ERP omitted stimulus response to “no-stim” events and its implications for fast-rate event-related fMRI designs
L Busse, MG Woldorff
Neuroimage 18 (4), 856-864, 2003
Natural environment statistics in the upper and lower visual field are reflected in mouse retinal specializations
Y Qiu, Z Zhao, D Klindt, M Kautzky, KP Szatko, F Schaeffel, K Rifai, ...
Current Biology 31 (15), 3233-3247. e6, 2021
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