Matthew R Palmer
Matthew R Palmer
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
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A transformation method for the reconstruction of functions from nonuniformly spaced samples
J Clark, M Palmer, PO Lawrence
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 33 (5), 1151-1165, 1985
Cold but not sympathomimetics activates human brown adipose tissue in vivo
AM Cypess, YC Chen, C Sze, K Wang, J English, O Chan, AR Holman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (25), 10001-10005, 2012
Nigrostriatal function in humans studied with positron emission tomography
WRW Martin, MR Palmer, CS Patlak, DB Calne
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 1989
Imaging of inflamed and vulnerable plaque in coronary arteries with 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with suppression of myocardial uptake using a low-carbohydrate, high-fat preparation
J Wykrzykowska, S Lehman, G Williams, JA Parker, MR Palmer, S Varkey, ...
Journal of nuclear medicine 50 (4), 563-568, 2009
Multiple sclerosis: a serial study using MRI in relapsing patients
C Isaac, DK B. Li, M Genton, C Jardine, E Grochowski, M Palmer, ...
Neurology 38 (10), 1511-1511, 1988
Temporal lobe involvement in multiple sclerosis patients with psychiatric disorders
WG Honer, T Hurwitz, DKB Li, M Palmer, DW Paty
Archives of Neurology 44 (2), 187-190, 1987
A critical examination of the results from the Harvard-MIT NCT program phase I clinical trial of neutron capture therapy for intracranial disease
PM Busse, OK Harling, MR Palmer, WS Kiger, J Kaplan, I Kaplan, ...
Journal of neuro-oncology 62, 111-121, 2003
Respiratory gating enhances imaging of pulmonary nodules and measurement of tracer uptake in FDG PET/CT
MK Werner, JA Parker, GM Kolodny, JR English, MR Palmer
American Journal of Roentgenology 193 (6), 1640-1645, 2009
Measurement of human brown adipose tissue volume and activity using anatomic MR imaging and functional MR imaging
YCI Chen, AM Cypess, YC Chen, M Palmer, G Kolodny, CR Kahn, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 54 (9), 1584-1587, 2013
Dosimetry and Adequacy of CT-based Attenuation Correction for Pediatric PET: Phantom Study1
FH Fahey, MR Palmer, KJ Strauss, RE Zimmerman, RD Badawi, ...
Radiology 243 (1), 96-104, 2007
Treatment planning and dosimetry for the Harvard-MIT Phase I clinical trial of cranial neutron capture therapy
MR Palmer, JT Goorley, WS Kiger III, PM Busse, KJ Riley, OK Harling, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 53 (5), 1361-1379, 2002
Systemic lymphoblastoid interferon therapy in chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. I. Clinical and MRI evaluation
LF Kastrukoff, JJ Oger, SA Hashimoto, SL Sacks, DK Li, MR Palmer, ...
Neurology 40 (3_part_1), 479-479, 1990
A Pharmacokinetic Model for the Concentration of 10B in Blood after Boronophenylalanine-Fructose Administration in Humans
WS Kiger, III, MR Palmer, KJ Riley, RG Zamenhof, PM Busse
Radiation research 155 (4), 611-618, 2001
Annihilation density distribution calculations for medically important positron emitters
MR Palmer, GL Brownell
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 11 (3), 373-378, 1992
Modeling and simulation of positron range effects for high resolution PET imaging
MR Palmer, X Zhu, JA Parker
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52 (5), 1391-1395, 2005
Regulation of lateral hypothalamic orexin activity by local GABAergic neurons
LL Ferrari, D Park, L Zhu, MR Palmer, RY Broadhurst, E Arrigoni
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (6), 1588-1599, 2018
Essentials of nuclear medicine physics and instrumentation
RA Powsner, MR Palmer, ER Powsner
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Comparative dose of contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM), digital mammography, and digital breast tomosynthesis
J Phillips, G Mihai, SE Hassonjee, SD Raj, MR Palmer, A Brook, D Zhang
American Journal of Roentgenology 211 (4), 839-846, 2018
The Harvard-MIT BNCT program: overview of the clinical trials and translational research
PM Busse, RG Zamenhof, OK Harling, I Kaplan, J Kaplan, CF Chuang, ...
Frontiers in Neutron Capture Therapy: Volume 1, 37-60, 2001
PET scanning in dystonia
WR Martin, AJ Stoessl, M Palmer, MJ Adam, TJ Ruth, JR Grierson, ...
Advances in neurology 50, 223-229, 1988
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Articles 1–20