Konstantinos Bousmalis
Konstantinos Bousmalis
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Unsupervised pixel-level domain adaptation with generative adversarial networks
K Bousmalis, N Silberman, D Dohan, D Erhan, D Krishnan
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Domain separation networks
K Bousmalis, G Trigeorgis, N Silberman, D Krishnan, D Erhan
Advances in neural information processing systems 29, 2016
Using simulation and domain adaptation to improve efficiency of deep robotic grasping
K Bousmalis, A Irpan, P Wohlhart, Y Bai, M Kelcey, M Kalakrishnan, ...
2018 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 4243-4250, 2018
Sim-to-real via sim-to-sim: Data-efficient robotic grasping via randomized-to-canonical adaptation networks
S James, P Wohlhart, M Kalakrishnan, D Kalashnikov, A Irpan, J Ibarz, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
A deep matrix factorization method for learning attribute representations
G Trigeorgis, K Bousmalis, S Zafeiriou, BW Schuller
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39 (3), 417-429, 2016
A deep semi-nmf model for learning hidden representations
G Trigeorgis, K Bousmalis, S Zafeiriou, B Schuller
International conference on machine learning, 1692-1700, 2014
Unsupervised multi-target domain adaptation: An information theoretic approach
B Gholami, P Sahu, O Rudovic, K Bousmalis, V Pavlovic
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 3993-4002, 2020
Xgan: Unsupervised image-to-image translation for many-to-many mappings
A Royer, K Bousmalis, S Gouws, F Bertsch, I Mosseri, F Cole, K Murphy
Domain Adaptation for Visual Understanding, 33-49, 2020
Robocat: A self-improving generalist agent for robotic manipulation
K Bousmalis, G Vezzani, D Rao, CM Devin, AX Lee, MB Villalonga, ...
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023
Spotting agreement and disagreement: A survey of nonverbal audiovisual cues and tools
K Bousmalis, M Mehu, M Pantic
2009 3rd international conference on affective computing and intelligent …, 2009
Beyond pick-and-place: Tackling robotic stacking of diverse shapes
AX Lee, CM Devin, Y Zhou, T Lampe, K Bousmalis, JT Springenberg, ...
5th Annual Conference on Robot Learning, 2021
Towards the automatic detection of spontaneous agreement and disagreement based on nonverbal behaviour: A survey of related cues, databases, and tools
K Bousmalis, M Mehu, M Pantic
Image and vision computing 31 (2), 203-221, 2013
Modeling hidden dynamics of multimodal cues for spontaneous agreement and disagreement recognition
K Bousmalis, LP Morency, M Pantic
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
Self-supervised sim-to-real adaptation for visual robotic manipulation
R Jeong, Y Aytar, D Khosid, Y Zhou, J Kay, T Lampe, K Bousmalis, F Nori
2020 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2718-2724, 2020
Off-policy evaluation via off-policy classification
A Irpan, K Rao, K Bousmalis, C Harris, J Ibarz, S Levine
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Human Behavior Analysis
K Bousmalis, S Zafeiriou, LP Morency, M Pantic
IEEE Transactions in Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 1-1, 2013
Transforming source domain images into target domain images
K Bousmalis, N Silberman, DM Dohan, D Erhan, D Krishnan
US Patent 10,991,074, 2021
Learning coordinated terrain-adaptive locomotion by imitating a centroidal dynamics planner
P Brakel, S Bohez, L Hasenclever, N Heess, K Bousmalis
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
On multi-objective policy optimization as a tool for reinforcement learning
A Abdolmaleki, SH Huang, G Vezzani, B Shahriari, JT Springenberg, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.08199, 2021
How to spend your robot time: Bridging kickstarting and offline reinforcement learning for vision-based robotic manipulation
AX Lee, C Devin, JT Springenberg, Y Zhou, T Lampe, A Abdolmaleki, ...
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
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