Piyush Agrawal
Piyush Agrawal
Principal Research Scientist - WSN, Communications, Embedded sensing, Raytheon Tech Research Center
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Cited by
Correlated link shadow fading in multi-hop wireless networks
P Agrawal, N Patwari
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (8), 4024-4036, 2009
FallDeFi: Ubiquitous fall detection using commodity Wi-Fi devices
S Palipana, D Rojas, P Agrawal, D Pesch
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Effects of correlated shadowing: Connectivity, localization, and RF tomography
N Patwari, P Agrawal
2008 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks …, 2008
System and method for determining RF sensor performance relative to a floor plan
A Tiwari, RDP Alberola, BC Villaverde, P Agrawal, VR Lakamraju, ...
US Patent 10,756,830, 2020
Long term channel characterization for energy efficient transmission in industrial environments
P Agrawal, A Ahlén, T Olofsson, M Gidlund
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (8), 3004-3014, 2014
Channel state information based human presence detection using non-linear techniques
S Palipana, P Agrawal, D Pesch
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy …, 2016
NeSh: A joint shadowing model for links in a multi-hop network
N Patwari, P Agrawal
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Directed by directionality: Benefiting from the gain pattern of active RFID badges
Y Zhao, N Patwari, P Agrawal, M Rabbat
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (5), 865-877, 2011
Characterization of long term channel variations in industrial wireless sensor networks
P Agrawal, A Ahlén, T Olofsson, M Gidlund
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2014
Calibration and measurement of signal strength for sensor localization
N Patwari, P Agrawal
Localization Algorithms and Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks …, 2009
First responders occupancy, activity and vital signs monitoring-SAFESENS
B O'Flynn, I Brahmi, J Oudenhoven, A Nackaerts, E Pereira, P Agrawal, ...
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), 2018
Modeling WiFi traffic for white space prediction in wireless sensor networks
ISA Dhanapala, R Marfievici, S Palipana, P Agrawal, D Pesch
2017 IEEE 42nd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 551-554, 2017
Communication system and method for an aircraft cargo/freight handling system
DD Lopez, P Agrawal, R Foley, WA Veronesi, S Harms
US Patent 10,518,898, 2019
White space prediction for low-power wireless networks: A data-driven approach
ISA Dhanapala, R Marfievici, S Palipana, P Agrawal, D Pesch
2018 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2018
Kernel Methods for RSS‐Based Indoor Localization
P Agrawal, N Patwari
Handbook of Position Location: Theory, Practice, and Advances, 457-486, 2011
Towards Detecting WiFi Aggregated Interference for Wireless Sensors Based on Traffic Modelling
ISA Dhanapala, R Marfievici, P Agrawal, D Pesch
2016 International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems …, 2016
Radio frequency presence alert system
P Agrawal, A Tiwari, BF Liano
US Patent 11,941,960, 2024
Energy-balanced and latency-constrained routing methods in wireless network
CK Lin, P Agrawal, A Tiwari, A Kuenzi, M Lang
US Patent 11,516,723, 2022
Physiological state screening system
AJ Chapman, P Agrawal, GA Shapiro
US Patent App. 16/994,349, 2021
System and method for detecting presence of multiple people using an fmcw radar
Z Xiong, J Zacchio, A Tiwari, P Agrawal
US Patent App. 16/972,464, 2021
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Articles 1–20