Guy Lohman
Guy Lohman
Manager of Disruptive Information Management Architectures, IBM Almaden Research Center
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Cited by
On supporting containment queries in relational database management systems
C Zhang, J Naughton, D DeWitt, Q Luo, G Lohman
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2001
LEO-DB2's learning optimizer
M Stillger, GM Lohman, V Markl, M Kandil
VLDB 1, 19-28, 2001
R* optimizer validation and performance evaluation for distributed queries
LF Mackert, GM Lohman
Readings in database systems, 219-229, 1988
R* optimizer validation and performance evaluation for local queries
LF Mackert, GM Lohman
ACM SIGMOD Record 15 (2), 84-95, 1986
DB2 design advisor: integrated automatic physical database design
DC Zilio, J Rao, S Lightstone, G Lohman, A Storm, C Garcia-Arellano, ...
Proceedings of the Thirtieth international conference on Very large data …, 2004
DB2 advisor: An optimizer smart enough to recommend its own indexes
G Valentin, M Zuliani, DC Zilio, G Lohman, A Skelley
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No …, 2000
Extensible query processing in Starburst
LM Haas, JC Freytag, GM Lohman, H Pirahesh
Proceedings of the 1989 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1989
Starburst mid-flight: As the dust clears
LM Haas, W Chang, GM Lohman, J McPherson, PF Wilms, G Lapis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 2 (01), 143-160, 1990
Differential Files: Their Application to the Maintenance of Large Data Bases (Abstract)
DG Severance, GM Lohman
SIGMOD Conference, 43, 1976
DB2 with BLU acceleration: So much more than just a column store
V Raman, G Attaluri, R Barber, N Chainani, D Kalmuk, V KulandaiSamy, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (11), 1080-1091, 2013
Robust query processing through progressive optimization
V Markl, V Raman, D Simmen, G Lohman, H Pirahesh, M Cilimdzic
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2004
Automating physical database design in a parallel database
J Rao, C Zhang, N Megiddo, G Lohman
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2002
Measuring the complexity of join enumeration in query optimization
K Ono, GM Lohman
VLDB Conference, 314-325, 1990
Grammar-like functional rules for representing query optimization alternatives
GM Lohman
ACM SIGMOD Record 17 (3), 18-27, 1988
Relational database query optimization to perform query evaluation plan, pruning based on the partition properties
GM Lohman, EJ Shekita, DE Simmen, MS Urata
US Patent 6,092,062, 2000
Extensions to Starburst: Objects, types, functions, and rules
GM Lohman, B Lindsay, H Pirahesh, KB Schiefer
Communications of the ACM 34 (10), 94-109, 1991
Optimization of data repartitioning during parallel query optimization
GM Lohman, MH Pirahesh, EJ Shekita, DE Simmen, MS Urata
US Patent 6,112,198, 2000
GPU join processing revisited
T Kaldewey, G Lohman, R Mueller, P Volk
Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2012
Query processing in R
GM Lohman, C Mohan, LM Haas, BG Lindsay, PG Selinger, PF Wilms, ...
Research Report RJ 4272, 1985
Learning from empirical results in query optimization
GM Lohman, M Stillger, V Markl
US Patent 6,763,359, 2004
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Articles 1–20