Wei-Yang Sun
Wei-Yang Sun
University of California, Los Angeles
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Modeling of magnetoelastic nanostructures with a fully coupled mechanical-micromagnetic model
CY Liang, SM Keller, AE Sepulveda, A Bur, WY Sun, K Wetzlar, ...
Nanotechnology 25 (43), 435701, 2014
Electrical control of a single magnetoelastic domain structure on a clamped piezoelectric thin film—analysis
CY Liang, SM Keller, AE Sepulveda, WY Sun, J Cui, CS Lynch, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (12), 2014
Sputter deposited Terfenol-D thin films for multiferroic applications
KP Mohanchandra, SV Prikhodko, KP Wetzlar, WY Sun, P Nordeen, ...
Aip Advances 5 (9), 2015
Magnetic microscopy and simulation of strain-mediated control of magnetization in PMN-PT/Ni nanostructures
I Gilbert, AC Chavez, DT Pierce, J Unguris, WY Sun, CY Liang, ...
Applied physics letters 109 (16), 2016
Strain-mediated multiferroic control of spontaneous exchange bias in Ni-NiO heterostructures
JP Domann, WY Sun, LT Schelhas, GP Carman
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (14), 2016
Binary information propagation in circular magnetic nanodot arrays using strain induced magnetic anisotropy
M Salehi-Fashami, M Al-Rashid, WY Sun, P Nordeen, S Bandyopadhyay, ...
Nanotechnology 27 (43), 43LT01, 2016
Voltage induced artificial ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic ordering in synthetic multiferroics
AC Chavez, WY Sun, J Atulasimha, KL Wang, GP Carman
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (22), 2017
The role of dissolved gas in longevity of Cassie states for immersed superhydrophobic surfaces
WY Sun, CJCJ Kim
2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2013
Wireless ear bud system with pose detection
DJ Perry, MV Choksi, WY Sun
US Patent 10,277,973, 2019
Wireless ear bud system with pose detection
DJ Perry, MV Choksi, WY Sun
US Patent 10,715,902, 2020
Wireless Ear Bud System With Pose Detection
DJ Perry, MV Choksi, WY Sun
US Patent App. 16/897,524, 2020
Wireless Ear Bud System With Pose Detection
DJ Perry, MV Choksi, WY Sun
US Patent App. 18/153,631, 2023
Wireless ear bud system with pose detection
DJ Perry, MV Choksi, WY Sun
US Patent 11,601,743, 2023
Magneto-electric control of magnetization in a chain of circular nanomagnets as new paradigm for ultra low power binary information propagation
M Salehi-Fashami, M Al-Rashid, WY Sun, P Nordeen, S Bandyopadhyay, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, T1. 222, 2016
Strain-mediated voltage control of a Ni/NiO spontaneous exchange bias (SEB) system
W Sun, G Carman
2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), 1-1, 2015
Control of Coupling Phenomena in Magnetic Nanostructures
WY Sun
University of California, Los Angeles, 2015
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles 2) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles 3 …
JP Domann, WY Sun, LT Schelhas, GP Carman
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