Rohini Garg
Lead-free piezoelectric system (NaBi)TiO-BaTiO: Equilibrium structures and irreversible structural transformations driven by electric field and mechanical …
R Garg, BN Rao, A Senyshyn, PSR Krishna, R Ranjan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (1), 014103, 2013
Long ranged structural modulation in the pre-morphotropic phase boundary cubic-like state of the lead-free piezoelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3
R Garg, B Narayana Rao, A Senyshyn, R Ranjan
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (23), 2013
Degenerate rhombohedral and orthorhombic states in Ca-substituted Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3
R Ranjan, V Kothai, R Garg, A Agrawal, A Senyshyn, H Boysen
Applied Physics Letters 95 (4), 2009
Structural crossover from nonmodulated to long-period modulated tetragonal phase and anomalous change in ferroelectric properties in the lead-free piezoelectric N a 1/2 B i 1/2 …
BN Rao, DK Khatua, R Garg, A Senyshyn, R Ranjan
Physical Review B 91 (21), 214116, 2015
Effect of mode of rolling on development of texture and microstructure in two-phase (α+ β) brass
R Garg, S Ranganathan, S Suwas
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (18-19), 4582-4592, 2010
Phases in the (1− x) Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3–(x) CaTiO3 system
R Ranjan, R Garg, V Kothai, A Agrawal, A Senyshyn, H Boysen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (7), 075901, 2010
Structure of the noncubic phase in the ferroelectric state of Pr-substituted
R Garg, A Senyshyn, H Boysen, R Ranjan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (14), 144122, 2009
Competing A-site and B-site driven ferroelectric instabilities in the (1− x) PbTiO3-(x) BiAlO3 system
AK Kalyani, R Garg, R Ranjan
Applied physics letters 94 (20), 2009
Onset of spontaneous electrostrictive strain below 520 K in Pr-doped
R Ranjan, R Garg, R Hackl, A Senyshyn, E Schmidbauer, D Trots, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (9), 092102, 2008
Evolution of texture and grain boundary microstructure in two-phase (α+ β) brass during recrystallization
R Garg, NP Gurao, S Ranganathan, S Suwas
Philosophical Magazine 91 (32), 4089-4108, 2011
Structure and phase transition of the (1− x) PbTiO3–(x) BiAlO3 system
R Ranjan, AK Kalyani, R Garg, PSR Krishna
Solid state communications 149 (45-46), 2098-2101, 2009
Structure and phase transition of Na0. 5La0. 5TiO3
R Garg, A Senyshyn, H Boysen, R Ranjan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (50), 505215, 2008
Complex structural phase transitions in slightly Ca modified Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3
R Garg, A Senyshyn, R Ranjan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (45), 455902, 2012
Tendency to promote ferroelectric distortion in Pr-modified PbTiO3
AK Kalyani, R Garg, R Ranjan
Applied physics letters 95 (22), 2009
Magneto-structural study of a Cr-doped CaRuO3
R Ranjan, R Garg, A Senyshyn, MS Hegde, H Ehrenberg, H Boysen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (32), 326001, 2009
Interrelationship between Interphase Boundaries and Phase Contents near the Critical Compositions of Lead-Free Ferroelectric (Na0. 5Bi0. 5) TiO3− BaTiO3
VY Topolov, BN Rao, R Garg, R Ranjan
Ferroelectrics 482 (1), 22-33, 2015
Magnetic structure and magneto-elastic-structural coupling in Cr-modified SrRuO3: A neutron powder diffraction study
R Ranjan, A Senyshyn, R Garg, H Boysen
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7), 2011
NucleationGrowth Mode of CubicTetragonal Transition with Coexistence of Phases over a Wide Temperature Interval in the High Temperature Ferroelectric Systems PbTiO 3–BiMeO 3 …
KV Lalitha, S Das, AK Kalyani, R Garg, R Ranjan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (8), 2635-2639, 2012
A. senyshyn, PSR Krishna, and R. Ranjan
R Garg, BN Rao
Phys. Rev. B 88, 014103, 2013
Synthesis of nano-silicon carbide by SiO–C reaction
R Garg, A Ghosh, AK Arya
Ceramics International 50 (20), 39080-39087, 2024
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