Stephen Weinberg
Stephen Weinberg
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Cited by
The hyperbolic consumption model: Calibration, simulation, and empirical evaluation
GM Angeletos, D Laibson, A Repetto, J Tobacman, S Weinberg
Journal of Economic perspectives 15 (3), 47-68, 2001
Costly information acquisition: Experimental analysis of a boundedly rational model
X Gabaix, D Laibson, G Moloche, S Weinberg
American Economic Review 96 (4), 1043-1068, 2006
The allocation of attention: theory and evidence
X Gabaix, D Laibson, G Moloche, SE Weinberg
MIT Department of Economics Working Paper, 2003
Building a Bridge to Behavioral Economics: Countervailing Cognitive Biases in Lifetime Saving Decisions
B Bahaddin, S Weinberg, L Luna-Reyes, D Andersen
System Dynamics Review 35 (3), 187-207, 2019
Does changing the rules really matter? Assessing procedural justice perceptions under civil service reform
EV Rubin, SE Weinberg
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 26 (1), 129-141, 2016
Do changes in health insurance coverage explain interstate variation in emergency department utilization?
N Hosseinichimeh, EG Martin, S Weinberg
World Medical & Health Policy 8 (1), 58-73, 2016
The effect of the Massachusetts healthcare reform on emergency department use
N Hosseinichimeh, S Weinberg
World Medical & Health Policy 6 (1), 9-21, 2014
Stephen Weinberg, jThe Hyperbolic Consumption Model: Calibration
G Angeletos, DL Marios, JT Andrea Repetto
Simulation, and Empirical Evalua% tion, kJournal of Economic Perspectives …, 2001
Hyperbolic discounting, wealth accumulation, and consumption
GM Angeletos, D Laibson, A Repetto, J Tobacman, S Weinberg
Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2001
The effect of the Massachusetts healthcare reform on emergency department use
N Hosseini, S Weinberg
Association for Public Policy and Management, 2010
Simulating lifetime saving decisions: the behavioral economics of countervailing cognitive biases
B Bahaddin, S Weinberg, L Luna-Reyes, D Andersen
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics …, 2017
Flexible Youths and Sticky Adults: Advertising to Overlapping Generations in the Cigarette Industry
S Weinberg
mimeo, 2005
What's representation got to do with it? Comparing public reactions to diversity among government employees and government contractors
K Baker, EV Rubin, S Weinberg, CT Stout
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 00208523241247453, 2024
Understanding Whether Representative Bureaucracy and Racial Resentment Impact Public Perceptions of the Distributive Justice of Government Programs
EV Rubin, KP Baker, S Weinberg
The American Review of Public Administration, 02750740241229994, 2024
Hard domains, biased rationalizations, and unanswered empirical questions.
SE Weinberg, JM Weinberg
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 43, 2020
Essays in the economics of lifecycle decision making
SE Weinberg
Harvard University, 2007
Appendix to “Information Acquisition: Experimental Analysis of a Boundedly Rational Model”
X Gabaix, D Laibson, G Moloche, S Weinberg
Consumption Economics and the Impact of New Goods
SE Weinberg
Harvard University, 1999
Developing a Numerical Platform for Simulation-Based Exploration of Behavioral Economic Dynamics
S Weinberg, B Bahaddin, L Luna-Reyes, DF Andersen
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Articles 1–19