Ali Bagheri Fard, PMP
Ali Bagheri Fard, PMP
Construction Management, Building Renovation Technology, GBC, CA
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Implementing 3R concept in construction waste management at construction site
H Aadal, KG Rad, AB Fard, PGP Sabet, E Harirchian
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 3 (10), 160-166, 2013
Evaluating Effective Factors on Value Engineering Implementation in the Context of Iran
AB Fard, KG Rad, PGP Sabet, H Aadal
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res 3 (10), 430 - 436, 2013
Impact of Plants and Equipment Management in Construction Industry of Iran
PGSSRME Hamid Aadal, Ali Bagheri Fard, Kiyanoosh Golchin Rad
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7 (11 …, 2014
Description of Organization Failure Process and the Way of Prevention by a Simulated Model Originated from Accident Domino Theory
PGP Sabet, HA Lahiji, H Aadal, AB Fard, KG Rad
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res 3 (9), 428-433, 2013
Cast in-Situ Balanced Cantilever for Building a Bridge
H Aadal, PG Sabet, AB Fard, KG Rad
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res 3 (9), 311-317, 2013
Necessary Competencies of Construction Managers in Iran as a Developing Country
PGP Sabet, R Ansari, AB Fard, H Aadal, KG Raad
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7 (10 …, 2014
Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies in the Context of Iran; A Quantitative Survey
KG Rad, AB Fard, H Aadal, PGP Sabet
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 3 (11), 22-28, 2013
Vibration Characteristics of composite footbridges under various types of Human Running induced Load
NA F Sadeghi, A Kueh, AB Fard
ISRN Civil Engineering 2013 (Article ID 817384), 8, 2013
Comparison of Different Project Management Systems in Terms of Project Life Cycle Assessment in The Construction Industry
MHZ Isaabadi, E Harirchian, EK Kermanshahi, AB Fard
The Evaluation of Difference between Competency Level and Body Type of Construction Managers in Iran as a Developing Country
KGR PGP Sabet, H Omrany, AB Fard, H Aadal
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (Under Review), 0
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Articles 1–10