Burak Güneş
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Cited by
Microheater-integrated spectrally selective multiband mid-infrared nanoemitter for on-chip optical multigas sensing
Z Rahimian Omam, A Ghobadi, B Khalichi, B Güneş, E Ozbay
ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (22), 20588-20600, 2023
Fast Unveiling of Tmax in GaN HEMT Devices via the Electrical Measurement-Assisted Two-Heat Source Model
H Kocer, Y Durna, B Gunes, G Tendurus, B Butun, E Ozbay
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 69 (5), 2319-2324, 2022
Improved drain lag by reduced surface current in GaN HEMT via an ultrathin HfO2 blanket layer
B Güneş, A Ghobadi, O Odabasi, B Bütün, E Özbay
Semiconductor Science and Technology 38 (6), 065002, 2023
Solid-mechanics analysis and modeling of the alloyed ohmic contact proximity in GaN HEMTs using µRaman spectroscopy
B Güneş, B Bütün, E Özbay
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (40), 405305, 2024
A comprehensive analysis of GaN HEMTs: electro-mechanical behavior, defect generation, and drain lag reduction with HfO2 layers
B Güneş
Bilkent University, 2023
Türkiye’de telsizciliğin gelişimi (1970-1990)
B Güneş, B Karlık, C Semen, AB Şengül, A Bozkurt
Bilkent University, 0
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Articles 1–6