Ioana Maria Latu
Ioana Maria Latu
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Successful female leaders empower women's behavior in leadership tasks
IM Latu, MS Mast, J Lammers, D Bombari
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (3), 444-448, 2013
White privilege awareness and efficacy to reduce racial inequality improve White Americans’ attitudes toward African Americans
TL Stewart, IM Latu, NR Branscombe, NL Phillips, H Ted Denney
Journal of Social Issues 68 (1), 11-27, 2012
What we “say” and what we “think” about female managers: Explicit versus implicit associations of women with success
IM Latu, TL Stewart, AC Myers, CG Lisco, SB Estes, DK Donahue
Psychology of Women Quarterly 35 (2), 252-266, 2011
Consider the situation: Reducing automatic stereotyping through situational attribution training
TL Stewart, IM Latu, K Kawakami, AC Myers
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (1), 221-225, 2010
Yes we can! Prejudice reduction through seeing (inequality) and believing (in social change)
TL Stewart, IM Latu, NR Branscombe, HT Denney
Psychological Science 21 (11), 1557-1562, 2010
A female leadership trust advantage in times of crisis: Under what conditions?
C Post, IM Latu, LY Belkin
Psychology of Women Quarterly 43 (2), 215-231, 2019
The vertical dimension of social relations and accurate interpersonal perception: A meta-analysis
JA Hall, M Schmid Mast, IM Latu
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 39, 131-163, 2015
Psychometric properties and correlates of precarious manhood beliefs in 62 nations
JK Bosson, P Jurek, JA Vandello, N Kosakowska-Berezecka, M Olech, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52 (3), 231-258, 2021
Empowering mimicry: Female leader role models empower women in leadership tasks through body posture mimicry
IM Latu, MS Mast, D Bombari, J Lammers, CL Hoyt
Sex roles 80, 11-24, 2019
Gender biases in (inter) action: The role of interviewers’ and applicants’ implicit and explicit stereotypes in predicting women’s job interview outcomes
IM Latu, MS Mast, TL Stewart
Psychology of Women Quarterly 39 (4), 539-552, 2015
Gender and the pandemic: Associations between caregiving, working from home, personal and career outcomes for women and men
V Stefanova, L Farrell, I Latu
Current Psychology 42 (20), 17395-17411, 2023
Implicit and explicit gender stereotypes at the bargaining table: Male counterparts’ stereotypes predict women’s lower performance in dyadic face-to-face negotiations
V Pardal, M Alger, I Latu
Sex Roles 83 (5), 289-302, 2020
Power poses–where do we stand?
KJ Jonas, J Cesario, M Alger, AH Bailey, D Bombari, D Carney, ...
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2 (1), 139-141, 2017
Implicit coping responses to racism predict African Americans' level of psychological distress
VJ Smith, TL Stewart, AC Myers, IM Latu
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 30 (3), 264-277, 2008
Gendered self-views across 62 countries: A test of competing models
N Kosakowska-Berezecka, JK Bosson, P Jurek, T Besta, M Olech, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 14 (7), 808-824, 2023
Gender and emotion: An interdisciplinary perspective
I Latu, S Kaiser, MS Mast
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2013
Power vs. persuasion: can open body postures embody openness to persuasion?
IM Latu, S Duffy, V Pardal, M Alger
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2 (1), 68-80, 2017
Resistance towards increasing gender diversity in masculine domains: The role of intergroup threat
A Jones, RN Turner, IM Latu
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25 (3), NP24-NP53, 2022
13 Interpersonal accuracy in relation to the workplace, leadership, and hierarchy
MS Mast, I Latu
The social psychology of perceiving others accurately, 270, 2016
The facilitative effect of evaluative fit on social categorization
S Coates, IM Latu, LA Haydel
Current Research in Social Psychology 12, 54-67, 2006
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