Paulo Lício de Geus
Paulo Lício de Geus
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Malicious software classification using transfer learning of resnet-50 deep neural network
E Rezende, G Ruppert, T Carvalho, F Ramos, P De Geus
2017 16th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications …, 2017
Segurança de redes em ambientes cooperativos
ET Nakamura, PL de Geus
Berkeley, Novatec, 2002
Identifying Android malware using dynamically obtained features
VM Afonso, MF de Amorim, ARA Grégio, GB Junquera, PL de Geus
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 11, 9-17, 2015
Malicious software classification using VGG16 deep neural network’s bottleneck features
E Rezende, G Ruppert, T Carvalho, A Theophilo, F Ramos, P Geus
Information Technology-New Generations: 15th International Conference on …, 2018
Going native: Using a large-scale analysis of android apps to create a practical native-code sandboxing policy
GV Vitor Afonso, Antonio Bianchi, Yanick Fratantonio, Adam Doupé, Mario ...
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 1--15, 2016
Toward a taxonomy of malware behaviors
ARA Grégio, VM Afonso, DSF Filho, PL Geus, M Jino
The Computer Journal 58 (10), 2758-2777, 2015
An intrusion detection system using ideas from the immune system
FS de Paula, LN de Castro, PL de Geus
Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Policy modeling and refinement for network security systems
JP de Albuquerque, H Krumm, PL de Geus
Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and …, 2005
We need to talk about antiviruses: challenges & pitfalls of av evaluations
M Botacin, F Ceschin, P De Geus, A Grégio
Computers & Security 95, 101859, 2020
Ontology for malware behavior: A core model proposal
A Grégio, R Bonacin, O Nabuco, VM Afonso, PL De Geus, M Jino
2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference, 453-458, 2014
The other guys: automated analysis of marginalized malware
MF Botacin, PL de Geus, ARA Grégio
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 14, 87-98, 2018
Antiviruses under the microscope: A hands-on perspective
M Botacin, FD Domingues, F Ceschin, R Machnicki, MAZ Alves, ...
Computers & Security 112, 102500, 2022
Security testing methodology for evaluation of web services robustness-case: XML injection
MIP Salas, PL De Geus, E Martins
2015 IEEE World Congress on Services, 303-310, 2015
Behavioral analysis of malicious code through network traffic and system call monitoring
ARA Grégio, DS Fernandes Filho, VM Afonso, RDC Santos, M Jino, ...
Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications V 8059 …, 2011
One size does not fit all: A longitudinal analysis of brazilian financial malware
M Botacin, H Aghakhani, S Ortolani, C Kruegel, G Vigna, D Oliveira, ...
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 24 (2), 1-31, 2021
A methodology for management of cloud computing using security criteria
CA Da Silva, AS Ferreira, PL de Geus
2012 IEEE Latin America Conference on Cloud Computing and Communications …, 2012
Enhancing branch monitoring for security purposes: From control flow integrity to malware analysis and debugging
M Botacin, PLD Geus, A Grégio
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 21 (1), 1-30, 2018
Who watches the watchmen: A security-focused review on current state-of-the-art techniques, tools, and methods for systems and binary analysis on modern platforms
M Botacin, PLD Geus, A Grégio
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (4), 1-34, 2018
Lumus: Dynamically Uncovering Evasive Android Applications
V Afonso, A Kalysch, T Müller, D Oliveira, A Grégio, PL de Geus
Information Security: 21st International Conference, ISC 2018, Guildford, UK …, 2018
An ontology of suspicious software behavior
A Grégio, R Bonacin, AC de Marchi, OF Nabuco, PL de Geus
Applied Ontology 11 (1), 29-49, 2016
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Articles 1–20