Brendesha Tynes
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Cited by
Constructing sexuality and identity in an online teen chat room
K Subrahmanyam, PM Greenfield, B Tynes
Journal of applied developmental psychology 25 (6), 651-666, 2004
Daily multidimensional racial discrimination among Black US American adolescents
D English, SF Lambert, BM Tynes, L Bowleg, MC Zea, LC Howard
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 66, 101068, 2020
Online racial discrimination and psychological adjustment among adolescents
BM Tynes, MT Giang, DR Williams, GN Thompson
Journal of adolescent health 43 (6), 565-569, 2008
Race-related traumatic events online and mental health among adolescents of color
BM Tynes, HA Willis, AM Stewart, MW Hamilton
Journal of Adolescent Health 65 (3), 371-377, 2019
Online racial discrimination and the protective function of ethnic identity and self-esteem for African American adolescents.
BM Tynes, AJ Umana-Taylor, CA Rose, J Lin, CJ Anderson
Developmental psychology 48 (2), 343, 2012
Internet safety gone wild? Sacrificing the educational and psychosocial benefits of online social environments
BM Tynes
Journal of Adolescent Research 22 (6), 575-584, 2007
The intersectional internet: Race, sex, class, and culture online
SU Noble, BM Tynes
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2016
The development and validation of the online victimization scale for adolescents
BM Tynes, CA Rose, DR Williams
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 4 (2), 2010
Latino adolescents’ perceived discrimination in online and offline settings: An examination of cultural risk and protective factors.
AJ Umaņa-Taylor, BM Tynes, RB Toomey, DR Williams, KJ Mitchell
Developmental psychology 51 (1), 87, 2015
Adolescence, race, and ethnicity on the Internet: A comparison of discourse in monitored vs. unmonitored chat rooms
B Tynes, L Reynolds, PM Greenfield
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 25 (6), 667-684, 2004
The role of color-blind racial attitudes in reactions to racial discrimination on social network sites.
BM Tynes, SL Markoe
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 3 (1), 1, 2010
Longitudinal associations between cybervictimization and mental health among US adolescents
CA Rose, BM Tynes
Journal of Adolescent Health 57 (3), 305-312, 2015
Extending campus life to the Internet: Social media, discrimination, and perceptions of racial climate.
BM Tynes, CA Rose, SL Markoe
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 6 (2), 102, 2013
Handbook of african american psychology
HA Neville, BM Tynes, SO Utsey
Sage Publications, 2008
Diversifying Barbie and Mortal Kombat: Intersectional perspectives and inclusive designs in gaming
YB Kafai, GT Richard, BM Tynes
Lulu. com, 2016
Trajectories of online racial discrimination and psychological functioning among African American and Latino adolescents
BM Tynes, D English, J Del Toro, NA Smith, FT Lozada, DR Williams
Child development 91 (5), 1577-1593, 2020
Children, adolescents and the culture of online hate
B Tynes
Handbook of children, culture and violence, 267-289, 2005
Cultural modeling as a frame for narrative analysis
CD Lee, E Rosenfeld, R Mendenhall, A Rivers, B Tynes
Narrative analysis: Studying the development of individuals in society, 39-62, 2004
From racial microaggressions to hate crimes: A model of online racism based on the lived experiences of adolescents of color
BM Tynes, FT Lozada, NA Smith, AM Stewart
Microaggression theory: Influence and implications, 194-212, 2018
Role taking in online" classrooms": What adolescents are learning about race and ethnicity.
BM Tynes
Developmental Psychology 43 (6), 1312, 2007
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Articles 1–20