Yu Guan
Yu Guan
Associate Professor, University of Warwick, UK
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Ensembles of Deep LSTM Learners for Activity Recognition using Wearables
Y Guan, T Ploetz
ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies (IMWUT) 1 (2), 2017
The future of sleep health: a data-driven revolution in sleep science and medicine
I Perez-Pozuelo, B Zhai, J Palotti, R Mall, M Aupetit, JM Garcia-Gomez, ...
npj Digital Medicine 3 (42), 2020
On Reducing the Effect of Covariate Factors in Gait Recognition: a Classifier Ensemble Method
Y Guan, C Li, F Roli
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI) 37 (7), 1521 …, 2015
Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition
Y Zhu, Y Long, Y Guan, S Newsam, L Shao
CVPR, 2018
Selecting Clinically Relevant Gait Characteristics for Classification of Early Parkinson’s Disease: A Comprehensive Machine Learning Approach
RZ Rehman, S Del Din, Y Guan, A Yarnall, JQ Shi, L Rochester
Scientific Reports, 2019
Multi-Granularity Canonical Appearance Pooling for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
S Wang, Y Guan, L Shao
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020
Matrix factorization with rating completion: An enhanced SVD model for collaborative filtering recommender systems
X Guan, CT Li, Y Guan
IEEE access 5, 27668-27678, 2017
Deep learning for human activity recognition in mobile computing
T Plötz, Y Guan
Computer 51 (5), 50-59, 2018
Orchestrating the development lifecycle of machine learning-based IoT applications: A taxonomy and survey
B Qian, J Su, Z Wen, DN Jha, Y Li, Y Guan, D Puthal, P James, R Yang, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (4), 1-47, 2020
Triple Verification Network for Generalised Zero-shot Learning
H Zhang, Y Long, Y Guan, L Shao
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019
Learning Multi-granular Spatio-temporal Graph Network for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
T Chen, D Zhou, J Wang, S Wang, Y Guan, E Ding, X He
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021
Making Sense of Sleep: Multimodal Sleep Stage Classification in a Large, Diverse Population Using Movement and Cardiac Sensing
B Zhai, I Perez-Pozuelo, EAD Clifton, J Palotti, Y Guan
ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2020
A Robust Speed-Invariant Gait Recognition System for Walker and Runner Identification
Y Guan, CT Li
in Proc. the 6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB'13),, 1-8, 2013
Robust Clothing-Invariant Gait Recognition
Y Guan, CT Li, Y Hu
Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP …, 2012
Towards Reliable, Automated General Movement Assessment for Perinatal Stroke Screening in Infants Using Wearable Accelerometers
Y Gao, Y Long, Y Guan, A Basu, J Baggaley, T Ploetz
ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 3 (1), 2019
Robust cross-view gait recognition with evidence: A discriminant gait GAN (DiGGAN) approach
BZ Hu, Y Guan, Y Gao, Y Long, N Lane, T Ploetz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.10493, 2018
Mobile based continuous authentication using deep features
MP Centeno, Y Guan, A van Moorsel
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on embedded and mobile deep …, 2018
Action Quality Assessment with Temporal Parsing Transformer
Y Bai, D Zhou, S Zhang, J Wang, E Ding, Y Guan, Y Long, J Wang
ECCV, 2022
Comparison of walking protocols and gait assessment systems for machine learning based classification of Parkinson’s disease
RZ Rehman, S Del Din, JQ Shi, B Galna, S Lord, A Yarnall, Y Guan, ...
Sensors, 2019
Inference of a compact representation of sensor fingerprint for source camera identification
R Li, CT Li, Y Guan
Pattern Recognition 74, 556-567, 2018
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