Mohammad Ali Zamani
Mohammad Ali Zamani
Hamburg Informatics Technology Center (HITeC) | University of Hamburg
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On the robustness of speech emotion recognition for human-robot interaction with deep neural networks
E Lakomkin, MA Zamani, C Weber, S Magg, S Wermter
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
A complex adaptive system of systems approach to human–automation interaction in smart grid
A Fereidunian, H Lesani, MA Zamani, MAS Kolarijani, N Hassanpour, ...
Contemporary issues in systems science and engineering, 425-500, 2015
Emorl: continuous acoustic emotion classification using deep reinforcement learning
E Lakomkin, MA Zamani, C Weber, S Magg, S Wermter
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4445-4450, 2018
Incorporating end-to-end speech recognition models for sentiment analysis
E Lakomkin, MA Zamani, C Weber, S Magg, S Wermter
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7976-7982, 2019
Cyber security for smart grid: a human-automation interaction framework
F Boroomand, A Fereidunian, MA Zamani, M Amozegar, HR Jamalabadi, ...
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Accelerating Deep Continuous Reinforcement Learning through Task Simplification
M Kerzel, H Beik-Mohammadi, MA Zamani, S Wermter
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2018
An expert system realization of adaptive autonomy in Electric Utility Management Automation
A Fereidunian, MA Zamani, H Lesani, C Lucas, M Lehtonen
Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (8), 1524-1530, 2009
Smart grid IT infrastructure selection: A T3SD Fuzzy DEA approach
MA Zamani, A Fereidunian, HR Jamalabadi, F Boroomand, P Sepehri, ...
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
AALRES: An intelligent expert system for realization of Adaptive Autonomy using Logistic Regression
A Fereidunian, MA Zamani, F Boroomand, HR Jamalabadi, H Lesani, ...
MELECON 2010-2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 1534-1539, 2010
Mixed-reality deep reinforcement learning for a reach-to-grasp task
H Beik Mohammadi, MA Zamani, M Kerzel, S Wermter
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2019: Theoretical …, 2019
AAFES: An intelligent fuzzy expert system for realization of adaptive autonomy concept in utility management automation
A Fereidunian, MA Zamani, H Lesani, C Lucas, M Lehtonen
Proceedings of IEEE-ISDA 9, 2009
Deep Reinforcement Learning using Symbolic Representation for Performing Spoken Language Instructions
MA Zamani, S Magg, C Weber, S Wermter
In 2nd Workshop on Behavior Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for …, 2017
AAPNES: A Petri Net expert system realization of adaptive autonomy in smart grid
MA Zamani, A Fereidunian, H Lesani, C Lucas
2010 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications, 968-973, 2010
AAHES: A hybrid expert system realization of Adaptive Autonomy for smart grid
A Fereidunian, MA Zamani, F Boroomand, HR Jamalabadi, H Lesani, ...
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Investigation of performance shaping factors in a practical human-automation interaction system
A Fereidunian, MA Zamani, B Fatah, H Lesani, C Lucas, P Kharazmi, ...
2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1825-1831, 2010
Deep reinforcement learning using compositional representations for performing instructions
MA Zamani, S Magg, C Weber, S Wermter, D Fu
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 9 (1), 358-373, 2018
AAGLMES: an intelligent expert system realization of adaptive autonomy using generalized linear models
A Fereidunian, F Boroomand, MA Zamani, H Jamalabadi, H Lesani, ...
Proceedings of 6th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and …, 2010
Learning spatial representation for safe human-robot collaboration in joint manual tasks
MA Zamani, H Beik-Mohammadi, M Kerzel, S Magg, S Wermter
ICRA workshop on WORKMATE: the WORKplace is better with intelligent …, 2018
Simultaneous human-robot adaptation for effective skill transfer
MA Zamani, E Oztop
2015 International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 78-84, 2015
A fuzzy-T3SD policy driven method for IT infrastructure selection in smart grid
MA Zamani, A Fereidunian, SS Mansouri, H Lesani, C Lucas
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Telecommunications …, 2010
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