Ashvin Thambyah
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Knitted poly-lactide-co-glycolide scaffold loaded with bone marrow stromal cells in repair and regeneration of rabbit Achilles tendon
HW Ouyang, JCH Goh, A Thambyah, SH Teoh, EH Lee
Tissue engineering 9 (3), 431-439, 2003
Enhancement of tendon graft osteointegration using mesenchymal stem cells in a rabbit model of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
JK Lim, J Hui, L Li, A Thambyah, J Goh, EH Lee
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 20 (9), 899-910, 2004
Cell-based therapy in the repair of osteochondral defects: a novel use for adipose tissue
S Nathan, SD De, A Thambyah, C Fen, J Goh, EH Lee
Tissue engineering 9 (4), 733-744, 2003
Influence of PLIF cage size on lumbar spine stability
JCH Goh, H Wong, A Thambyah, CS Yu
Spine 25 (1), 35, 2000
Effects of varying backpack loads on peak forces in the lumbosacral spine during walking
JH Goh, A Thambyah, K Bose
Clinical Biomechanics 13 (1), S26-S31, 1998
Contact stresses in the knee joint in deep flexion
A Thambyah, JCH Goh, SD De
Medical engineering & physics 27 (4), 329-335, 2005
Mechanical properties of articular cartilage covered by the meniscus
A Thambyah, A Nather, J Goh
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 14 (6), 580-588, 2006
How healthy discs herniate: a biomechanical and microstructural study investigating the combined effects of compression rate and flexion
KR Wade, PA Robertson, A Thambyah, ND Broom
Spine 39 (13), 1018-1028, 2014
Treatment of chondral lesions in advanced osteochondritis dissecans: a comparative study of the efficacy of chondrocytes, mesenchymal stem cells, periosteal graft, and …
JHP Hui, F Chen, A Thambyah, EH Lee
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 24 (4), 427-433, 2004
On how degeneration influences load-bearing in the cartilage–bone system: a microstructural and micromechanical study
A Thambyah, N Broom
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 15 (12), 1410-1423, 2007
Acetabular morphometry for determining hip dysplasia in the Singaporean population
M Umer, A Thambyah, WTJ Tan, SD De
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 14 (1), 27-31, 2006
Estimation of bone-on-bone contact forces in the tibiofemoral joint during walking
A Thambyah, BP Pereira, U Wyss
The Knee 12 (5), 383-388, 2005
On new bone formation in the pre-osteoarthritic joint
A Thambyah, N Broom
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 17 (4), 456-463, 2009
Micromechanics of annulus–end plate integration in the intervertebral disc
SA Rodrigues, KR Wade, A Thambyah, ND Broom
The Spine Journal 12 (2), 143-150, 2012
Histology and immunohistochemistry study of ovine tendon grafted with cBMSCs and BMMNCs after collagenase-induced tendinitis
A Crovace, L Lacitignola, E Francioso, G Rossi
Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 21 (04), 329-336, 2008
Microstructural changes in cartilage and bone related to repetitive overloading in an equine athlete model
SM Turley, A Thambyah, CM Riggs, EC Firth, ND Broom
Journal of anatomy 224 (6), 647-658, 2014
New insights into the role of the superficial tangential zone in influencing the microstructural response of articular cartilage to compression
SL Bevill, A Thambyah, ND Broom
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 18 (10), 1310-1318, 2010
Micro‐anatomical response of cartilage‐on‐bone to compression: mechanisms of deformation within and beyond the directly loaded matrix
A Thambyah, N Broom
Journal of Anatomy 209 (5), 611-622, 2006
The natural history of spontaneous osteonecrosis of the medial tibial plateau
K Satku, VP Kumar, SM Chong, A Thambyah
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 85 (7), 983-988, 2003
Biomechanical strength of deep-frozen versus lyophilized large cortical allografts
A Nather, A Thambyah, JCH Goh
Clinical Biomechanics 19 (5), 526-533, 2004
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Articles 1–20