Raffaele De Rose
Raffaele De Rose
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An ultralow-voltage energy-efficient level shifter
M Lanuzza, F Crupi, S Rao, R De Rose, S Strangio, G Iannaccone
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 64 (1), 61-65, 2016
A variation-aware timing modeling approach for write operation in hybrid CMOS/STT-MTJ circuits
R De Rose, M Lanuzza, F Crupi, G Siracusano, R Tomasello, G Finocchio, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (3), 1086-1095, 2017
A compact model with spin-polarization asymmetry for nanoscaled perpendicular MTJs
R De Rose, M Lanuzza, M d’Aquino, G Carangelo, G Finocchio, F Crupi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64 (10), 4346-4353, 2017
Spin–orbit torque based physical unclonable function
G Finocchio, T Moriyama, R De Rose, G Siracusano, M Lanuzza, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (3), 2020
Trimming-less voltage reference for highly uncertain harvesting down to 0.25 V, 5.4 pW
L Fassio, L Lin, R De Rose, M Lanuzza, F Crupi, M Alioto
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 56 (10), 3134-3144, 2021
Optoelectrical modelling and optimization study of a novel IBC cSi solar cell
P Procel, A Ingenito, R De Rose, S Pierro, F Crupi, M Lanuzza, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 25 (6), 452-469, 2017
Performance analysis of rear point contact solar cells by three-dimensional numerical simulation
M Zanuccoli, R De Rose, P Magnone, E Sangiorgi, C Fiegna
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 59 (5), 1311-1319, 2012
Variability-aware analysis of hybrid MTJ/CMOS circuits by a micromagnetic-based simulation framework
R De Rose, M Lanuzza, F Crupi, G Siracusano, R Tomasello, G Finocchio, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 16 (2), 160-168, 2016
Exploiting STT-MRAMs for cryogenic non-volatile cache applications
E Garzón, R De Rose, F Crupi, A Teman, M Lanuzza
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 20, 123-128, 2021
Compact modeling of perpendicular STT-MTJs with double reference layers
R De Rose, M d'Aquino, G Finocchio, F Crupi, M Carpentieri, M Lanuzza
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 18, 1063-1070, 2019
Assessment of STT-MRAM performance at nanoscaled technology nodes using a device-to-memory simulation framework
E Garzon, R De Rose, F Crupi, L Trojman, M Lanuzza
Microelectronic Engineering 215, 111009, 2019
Comparative analysis of yield optimized pulsed flip-flops
M Lanuzza, R De Rose, F Frustaci, S Perri, P Corsonello
Microelectronics Reliability 52 (8), 1679-1689, 2012
A robust, high-speed and energy-efficient ultralow-voltage level shifter
L Fassio, F Settino, L Lin, R De Rose, M Lanuzza, F Crupi, M Alioto
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (4), 1393-1397, 2020
Understanding the impact of the doping profiles on selective emitter solar cell by two-dimensional numerical simulation
R De Rose, M Zanuccoli, P Magnone, M Frei, E Sangiorgi, C Fiegna
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3 (1), 159-167, 2012
Assessment of STT-MRAMs based on double-barrier MTJs for cache applications by means of a device-to-system level simulation framework
E Garzon, R De Rose, F Crupi, L Trojman, G Finocchio, M Carpentieri, ...
Integration 71, 56-69, 2020
Loss analysis of silicon solar cells by means of numerical device simulation
R De Rose, P Magnone, M Zanuccoli, E Sangiorgi, C Fiegna
2013 14th international conference on ultimate integration on silicon (ULIS …, 2013
Effect of shunt resistance on the performance of mc-Silicon solar cells: A combined electro-optical and thermal investigation
M Barbato, M Meneghini, V Giliberto, D Giaffreda, P Magnone, R De Rose, ...
2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 001241-001245, 2012
Open issues for the numerical simulation of silicon solar cells
R De Rose, M Zanuccoli, P Magnone, E Sangiorgi, C Fiegna
Ulis 2011 Ultimate Integration on Silicon, 1-4, 2011
Simulation analysis of DMTJ-based STT-MRAM operating at cryogenic temperatures
E Garzón, R De Rose, F Crupi, M Carpentieri, A Teman, M Lanuzza
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 57 (7), 1-6, 2021
A portable class of 3transistor current references with lowpower sub0.5 V operation
F Crupi, R De Rose, M Paliy, M Lanuzza, M Perna, G Iannaccone
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 46 (4), 779-795, 2018
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