Siyi Xu
Cited by
Cited by
Capacitively coupled arrays of multiplexed flexible silicon transistors for long-term cardiac electrophysiology
H Fang, KJ Yu, C Gloschat, Z Yang, E Song, CH Chiang, J Zhao, SM Won, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 1 (3), 0038, 2017
Biocompatible soft fluidic strain and force sensors for wearable devices
S Xu, DM Vogt, WH Hsu, J Osborne, T Walsh, JR Foster, SK Sullivan, ...
Advanced functional materials 29 (7), 1807058, 2019
Optics and nonlinear buckling mechanics in large-area, highly stretchable arrays of plasmonic nanostructures
L Gao, Y Zhang, H Zhang, S Doshay, X Xie, H Luo, D Shah, Y Shi, S Xu, ...
Acs Nano 9 (6), 5968-5975, 2015
Collision resilient insect-scale soft-actuated aerial robots with high agility
YF Chen, S Xu, Z Ren, P Chirarattananon
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37 (5), 1752-1764, 2021
A compact DEA-based soft peristaltic pump for power and control of fluidic robots
S Xu, CM Nunez, M Souri, RJ Wood
Science robotics 8 (79), eadd4649, 2023
A dynamic electrically driven soft valve for control of soft hydraulic actuators
S Xu, Y Chen, NP Hyun, KP Becker, RJ Wood
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (34), e2103198118, 2021
Controlling soft fluidic actuators using soft DEA-based valves
J Poccard-Saudart, S Xu, CB Teeple, NSP Hyun, KP Becker, RJ Wood
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 8837-8844, 2022
Biocompatible Sensors: Biocompatible Soft Fluidic Strain and Force Sensors for Wearable Devices (Adv. Funct. Mater. 7/2019).
S Xu, DM Vogt, WH Hsu, J Osborne, T Walsh, JR Foster, SK Sullivan, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (7), 2019
Stretchable array of metal nanodisks on a 3D sinusoidal wavy elastomeric substrate for frequency tunable plasmonics
D Feng, H Zhang, S Xu, L Tian, N Song
Nanotechnology 28 (11), 115703, 2017
Fabrication of plasmonic nanoparticles on a wave shape PDMS substrate
D Feng, H Zhang, S Xu, L Tian, N Song
Plasmonics 12, 1627-1631, 2017
Facilitating Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Multilayer Fabrication and Performance Through Low‐Contact‐Resistance Hybrid Electrodes, Scalable Vacuum Filtration, and Adaptive Pre ¡K
AJ Cohen, MC Yuen, MN Corrigan, S Xu, RJ Wood
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2400787, 2024
Erratum: Capacitively coupled arrays of multiplexed flexible silicon transistors for long-term cardiac electrophysiology
H Fang, YK Jun, G Christopher, Z Yang, S Enming, C Chia-Han, J Zhao, ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 (4), 2017
Optics and nonlinear buckling mechanics in large-area, highly stretchable arrays of plasmonic nanostructures (Presentation Recording)
H Zhang, L Gao, Y Zhang, X Xie, S Doshay, H Fang, JA Fan, ...
Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties XIII 9547 ¡K, 2015
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