Li-yao Xia
Cited by
Cited by
Interaction trees: representing recursive and impure programs in Coq
L Xia, Y Zakowski, P He, CK Hur, G Malecha, BC Pierce, S Zdancewic
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 4 (POPL), 1-32, 2019
Beginner's luck: a language for property-based generators
L Lampropoulos, D Gallois-Wong, C Hriţcu, J Hughes, BC Pierce, L Xia
Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming …, 2017
From C to interaction trees: specifying, verifying, and testing a networked server
N Koh, Y Li, Y Li, L Xia, L Beringer, W Honoré, W Mansky, BC Pierce, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified …, 2019
Verifying an HTTP key-value server with interaction trees and VST
H Zhang, W Honoré, N Koh, Y Li, Y Li, LY Xia, L Beringer, W Mansky, ...
The 12th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, 32, 2021
C4: verified transactional objects
M Lesani, L Xia, A Kaseorg, CJ Bell, A Chlipala, BC Pierce, S Zdancewic
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 6 (OOPSLA1), 1-31, 2022
Interaction trees
L Xia, Y Zakowski, P He, CK Hur, G Malecha, BC Pierce, S Zdancewic
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 4, 2020
Reasoning about the garden of forking paths
Y Li, L Xia, S Weirich
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5 (ICFP), 1-28, 2021
Composing bidirectional programs monadically
L Xia, D Orchard, M Wang
Programming Languages and Systems: 28th European Symposium on Programming …, 2019
Executable Denotational Semantics with Interaction Trees
L Xia
University of Pennsylvania, 2022
Story of Your Lazy Function’s Life: A Bidirectional Demand Semantics for Mechanized Cost Analysis of Lazy Programs
L Xia, L Israel, M Kramarz, N Coltharp, K Claessen, S Weirich, Y Li
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8 (ICFP), 30-63, 2024
Composing bidirectional programs monadically (with appendices)
L Xia, D Orchard, M Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.06950, 2019
Making Our Own Luck A Language for Random Generators
L Lampropoulos, BC Pierce, C Hriţcu, J Hughes, Z Paraskevopoulou, ...
Workshop on Probabilistic Programming Semantics 2016, 2015
Story of Your Lazy Function’s Life
Report on the Tenth International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2022)
X He, LY Xia, V Zaytsev
CEUR workshop proceedings 3250, 2022
How to Sign Paper Contracts? Conjectures and Evidence Related to Equitable and Efficient Collaborative Task Scheduling
E Brier, D Naccache, L Xia
Open Problems in Mathematics and Computational Science, 317-340, 2014
coqffi: Outil pour la génération automatique de FFI Coq/OCaml
T Letan, L Xia
32 ème Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, 75, 0
From Symbolic Server Models to Interactive Tests
Y Li, L Xia, BC Pierce, S Zdancewic
Making Our Own Luck
L Lampropoulos, BC Pierce, C Hritcu, J Hughes, Z Paraskevopoulou, ...
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Articles 1–18