Daniele Munaretto
Daniele Munaretto
Athonet, a HPE acquisition
在 hpe.com 的电子邮件经过验证
On the interplay between routing and signal representation for compressive sensing in wireless sensor networks
G Quer, R Masiero, D Munaretto, M Rossi, J Widmer, M Zorzi
2009 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 206-215, 2009
Effective delay control in online network coding
J Barros, RA Costa, D Munaretto, J Widmer
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 208-216, 2009
Multi-access edge computing: The driver behind the wheel of 5G-connected cars
F Giust, V Sciancalepore, D Sabella, MC Filippou, S Mangiante, ...
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2 (3), 66-73, 2018
Data acquisition through joint compressive sensing and principal component analysis
R Masiero, G Quer, D Munaretto, M Rossi, J Widmer, M Zorzi
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-6, 2009
Informed network coding for minimum decoding delay
RA Costa, D Munaretto, J Widmer, J Barros
2008 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2008
A machine learning approach to QoE-based video admission control and resource allocation in wireless systems
A Testolin, M Zanforlin, MDF De Grazia, D Munaretto, A Zanella, M Zorzi, ...
2014 13th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MED-HOC-NET), 31-38, 2014
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility
H Koumaras, D Tsolkas, G Gardikis, PM Gomez, V Frascolla, ...
2018 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2018
QoE-based transport optimization for video delivery over next generation cellular networks
N Amram, B Fu, G Kunzmann, T Melia, D Munaretto, S Randriamasy, ...
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 19-24, 2011
SSIM-based video admission control and resource allocation algorithms
M Zanforlin, D Munaretto, A Zanella, M Zorzi
2014 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2014
Virtual lifeline: Multimodal sensor data fusion for robust navigation in unknown environments
G Pirkl, D Munaretto, C Fischer, C An, P Lukowicz, M Klepal, A Timm-Giel, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 8 (3), 388-401, 2012
Method and evaluation server for evaluating a plurality of videos
W Kellerer, D Munaretto, S Thakolsri, E Steinbach, A El Essaili
US Patent App. 13/354,756, 2012
Softwarization of mobile network functions towards agile and energy efficient 5G architectures: a survey
D Thembelihle, M Rossi, D Munaretto
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (1), 8618364, 2017
Broadcast video streaming in cellular networks: An adaptation framework for channel, video and AL-FEC rates allocation
D Munaretto, D Jurca, J Widmer
2010 The 5th Annual ICST Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), 1-9, 2010
A cloud-enabled small cell architecture in 5G networks for broadcast/multicast services
MA Kourtis, B Blanco, J Pérez-Romero, D Makris, MJ McGrath, G Xilouris, ...
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 65 (2), 414-424, 2019
QoE-driven resource optimization for user generated video content in next generation mobile networks
A El Essaili, E Steinbach, D Munaretto, S Thakolsri, W Kellerer
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 913-916, 2011
Resilient coding algorithms for sensor network data persistence
D Munaretto, J Widmer, M Rossi, M Zorzi
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, 156-170, 2008
Beyond private 5G networks: applications, architectures, operator models and technological enablers
M Maman, E Calvanese-Strinati, LN Dinh, T Haustein, W Keusgen, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2021, 1-46, 2021
Deploying cpu-intensive applications on mec in nfv systems: The immersive video use case
G Cattaneo, F Giust, C Meani, D Munaretto, P Paglierani
Computers 7 (4), 55, 2018
Network coding strategies for data persistence in static and mobile sensor networks
D Munaretto, J Widmer, M Rossi, M Zorzi
2007 5th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2007
A fast rate-adaptation algorithm for robust wireless scalable streaming applications
D Munaretto, D Jurca, J Widmer
2009 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2009
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