Qinran HU 胡秦然
Qinran HU 胡秦然
Other namesQinran Hu, 胡 秦然
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Hardware design of smart home energy management system with dynamic price response
Q Hu, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Smart grid 4 (4), 1878-1887, 2013
Participation of an energy hub in electricity and heat distribution markets: An MPEC approach
R Li, W Wei, S Mei, Q Hu, Q Wu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (4), 3641-3653, 2018
Coupon-Based Demand Response Considering Wind Power Uncertainty: A Strategic Bidding Model for Load Serving Entities
X Fang, Q Hu, F Li, B Wang, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015
A framework of residential demand aggregation with financial incentives
Q Hu, F Li, X Fang, L Bai
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (1), 497-505, 2018
Day-ahead coordinated operation of utility-scale electricity and natural gas networks considering demand response based virtual power plants
H Cui, F Li, Q Hu, L Bai, X Fang
Applied energy 176, 183-195, 2016
Dynamic demand control for system frequency regulation: Concept review, algorithm comparison, and future vision
Q Shi, F Li, Q Hu, Z Wang
Electric Power Systems Research 154, 75-87, 2018
Grid-forming inverter enabled virtual power plants with inertia support capability
Q Hu, R Han, X Quan, Z Wu, C Tang, W Li, W Wang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (5), 4134-4143, 2022
A smart home test bed for undergraduate education to bridge the curriculum gap from traditional power systems to modernized smart grids
Q Hu, F Li, C Chen
IEEE Transactions on Education 58 (1), 32-38, 2014
Adaptive robust energy and reserve co-optimization of integrated electricity and heating system considering wind uncertainty
J Tan, Q Wu, Q Hu, W Wei, F Liu
Applied Energy 260, 114230, 2020
Promoting acceptance of direct load control programs in the United States: Financial incentive versus control option
X Xu, C Chen, X Zhu, Q Hu
Energy 147, 1278-1287, 2018
GPU-based fast decoupled power flow with preconditioned iterative solver and inexact Newton method
X Li, F Li, H Yuan, H Cui, Q Hu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (4), 2695-2703, 2016
Probabilistic model of payment cost minimization considering wind power and its uncertainty
Y Xu, Q Hu, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 4 (3), 716-724, 2013
Day-ahead optimal scheduling method for grid-connected microgrid based on energy storage control strategy
X Kong, L Bai, Q Hu, F Li, C Wang
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 4 (4), 648-658, 2016
New ancillary service market for ERCOT
P Du, NV Mago, W Li, S Sharma, Q Hu, T Ding
IEEE Access 8, 178391-178401, 2020
Cost and low-carbon competitiveness of electrolytic hydrogen in China
G Pan, W Gu, Q Hu, J Wang, F Teng, G Strbac
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (9), 4868-4881, 2021
Increasing operational flexibility of integrated energy systems by introducing power to hydrogen
P Ge, Q Hu, Q Wu, X Dou, Z Wu, Y Ding
IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (3), 372-380, 2020
18 Vision of Future Control Centers in Smart Grids
F Li, P Zhang, S Adhikari, Y Wei, Q Hu
Smart Grids: Clouds, Communications, Open Source, and Automation, 421, 2017
Data quality issues for synchrophasor applications Part II: problem formulation and potential solutions
C Huang, F Li, L Zhan, Y Xu, Q Hu, D Zhou, Y Liu
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 4 (3), 353-361, 2016
Residential HVAC aggregation based on risk-averse multi-armed bandit learning for secondary frequency regulation
X Chen, Q Hu, Q Shi, X Quan, Z Wu, F Li
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 8 (6), 1160-1167, 2020
Extended-state-observer-based distributed robust secondary voltage and frequency control for an autonomous microgrid
P Ge, X Dou, X Quan, Q Hu, W Sheng, Z Wu, W Gu
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (1), 195-205, 2018
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Articles 1–20