Terry J. Gentry
Terry J. Gentry
Professor of Soil & Aquatic Microbiology, Texas A&M University
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GeoChip: a comprehensive microarray for investigating biogeochemical, ecological and environmental processes
Z He, TJ Gentry, CW Schadt, L Wu, J Liebich, SC Chong, Z Huang, W Wu, ...
The ISME journal 1 (1), 67-77, 2007
New approaches for bioaugmentation as a remediation technology
T Gentry, C Rensing, IAN Pepper
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 34 (5), 447-494, 2004
Shifts in microbial community structure along an ecological gradient of hypersaline soils and sediments
EB Hollister, AS Engledow, AJM Hammett, TL Provin, HH Wilkinson, ...
The ISME journal 4 (6), 829-838, 2010
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community
CL Hemme, Y Deng, TJ Gentry, MW Fields, L Wu, S Barua, K Barry, ...
The ISME journal 4 (5), 660-672, 2010
GeoChip 3.0 as a high-throughput tool for analyzing microbial community composition, structure and functional activity
Z He, Y Deng, JD Van Nostrand, Q Tu, M Xu, CL Hemme, X Li, L Wu, ...
The ISME journal 4 (9), 1167-1179, 2010
Pilot-scale in situ bioremedation of uranium in a highly contaminated aquifer. 2. Reduction of U (VI) and geochemical control of U (VI) bioavailability
WM Wu, J Carley, T Gentry, MA Ginder-Vogel, M Fienen, T Mehlhorn, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (12), 3986-3995, 2006
Microarray applications in microbial ecology research
TJ Gentry, GS Wickham, CW Schadt, Z He, J Zhou
Microbial ecology 52, 159-175, 2006
Microorganisms and metal pollutants
TM Roane, IL Pepper, TJ Gentry
Environmental microbiology, 415-439, 2015
In situ bioreduction of uranium (VI) to submicromolar levels and reoxidation by dissolved oxygen
WM Wu, J Carley, J Luo, MA Ginder-Vogel, E Cardenas, MB Leigh, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 41 (16), 5716-5723, 2007
Microbial communities in contaminated sediments, associated with bioremediation of uranium to submicromolar levels
E Cardenas, WM Wu, MB Leigh, J Carley, S Carroll, T Gentry, J Luo, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (12), 3718-3729, 2008
Black box chimera check (B2C2): a windows-based software for batch depletion of chimeras from bacterial 16S rRNA gene datasets
V Gontcharova, E Youn, RD Wolcott, EB Hollister, TJ Gentry, SE Dowd
The open microbiology journal 4, 47, 2010
Effects of repeated glyphosate applications on soil microbial community composition and the mineralization of glyphosate
SH Lancaster, EB Hollister, SA Senseman, TJ Gentry
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 66 (1), 59-64, 2010
Soil microbial community, C, N, and P responses to long-term tillage and crop rotation
MCA González-Chávez, JA Aitkenhead-Peterson, TJ Gentry, D Zuberer, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 106 (2), 285-293, 2010
Water management impacts on arsenic speciation and iron-reducing bacteria in contrasting rice-rhizosphere compartments
AC Somenahally, EB Hollister, W Yan, TJ Gentry, RH Loeppert
Environmental science & technology 45 (19), 8328-8335, 2011
Microorganisms and organic pollutants
RM Maier, TJ Gentry
Environmental microbiology, 377-413, 2015
Microarray-based analysis of microbial community RNAs by whole-community RNA amplification
H Gao, ZK Yang, TJ Gentry, L Wu, CW Schadt, J Zhou
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (2), 563-571, 2007
Responses of microbial community functional structures to pilot-scale uranium in situ bioremediation
M Xu, WM Wu, L Wu, Z He, JD Van Nostrand, Y Deng, J Luo, J Carley, ...
The ISME journal 4 (8), 1060-1070, 2010
Comparison of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation and plasmid transfer in soil resulting from bioaugmentation with two different pJP4 donors
DT Newby, TJ Gentry, IL Pepper
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (8), 3399-3407, 2000
Differential impacts of brassicaceous and nonbrassicaceous oilseed meals on soil bacterial and fungal communities
EB Hollister, P Hu, AS Wang, FM Hons, TJ Gentry
FEMS microbiology ecology 83 (3), 632-641, 2013
Significant association between sulfate-reducing bacteria and uranium-reducing microbial communities as revealed by a combined massively parallel sequencing-indicator species …
E Cardenas, WM Wu, MB Leigh, J Carley, S Carroll, T Gentry, J Luo, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (20), 6778-6786, 2010
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