Marc Achermann
Marc Achermann
Lucerne University
在 hslu.ch 的电子邮件经过验证
Single-exciton optical gain in semiconductor nanocrystals
VI Klimov, SA Ivanov, J Nanda, M Achermann, I Bezel, JA McGuire, ...
Nature 447 (7143), 441-446, 2007
Energy-transfer pumping of semiconductor nanocrystals using an epitaxial quantum well
M Achermann, MA Petruska, S Kos, DL Smith, DD Koleske, VI Klimov
Nature 429 (6992), 642-646, 2004
Nonequilibrium electron dynamics in noble metals
N Del Fatti, C Voisin, M Achermann, S Tzortzakis, D Christofilos, F Vallée
Physical Review B 61 (24), 16956, 2000
Synthesis and characterization of Co/CdSe core/shell nanocomposites: bifunctional magnetic-optical nanocrystals
H Kim, M Achermann, LP Balet, JA Hollingsworth, VI Klimov
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (2), 544-546, 2005
Multicolor light-emitting diodes based on semiconductor nanocrystals encapsulated in GaN charge injection layers
AH Mueller, MA Petruska, M Achermann, DJ Werder, EA Akhadov, ...
Nano Letters 5 (6), 1039-1044, 2005
Exciton− plasmon interactions in metal− semiconductor nanostructures
M Achermann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (19), 2837-2843, 2010
Inverted core/shell nanocrystals continuously tunable between type-I and type-II localization regimes
LP Balet, SA Ivanov, A Piryatinski, M Achermann, VI Klimov
Nano Letters 4 (8), 1485-1488, 2004
Effect of the thiol− thiolate equilibrium on the photophysical properties of aqueous CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots
S Jeong, M Achermann, J Nanda, S Ivanov, VI Klimov, JA Hollingsworth
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (29), 10126-10127, 2005
Nanocrystal-based light-emitting diodes utilizing high-efficiency nonradiative energy transfer for color conversion
M Achermann, MA Petruska, DD Koleske, MH Crawford, VI Klimov
Nano letters 6 (7), 1396-1400, 2006
Picosecond energy transfer in quantum dot Langmuir− Blodgett nanoassemblies
M Achermann, MA Petruska, SA Crooker, VI Klimov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (50), 13782-13787, 2003
Multiexcitons confined within a subexcitonic volume: Spectroscopic and dynamical signatures of neutral and charged biexcitons in ultrasmall semiconductor nanocrystals
M Achermann, JA Hollingsworth, VI Klimov
Physical Review B 68 (24), 245302, 2003
Light amplification using inverted core/shell nanocrystals: towards lasing in the single-exciton regime
SA Ivanov, J Nanda, A Piryatinski, M Achermann, LP Balet, IV Bezel, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (30), 10625-10630, 2004
Dipolar emitters at nanoscale proximity of metal surfaces: Giant enhancement of relaxation in microscopic theory
IA Larkin, MI Stockman, M Achermann, VI Klimov
Physical Review B 69 (12), 121403, 2004
Non-contact pumping of light emitters via non-radiative energy transfer
VI Klimov, M Achermann
US Patent 7,642,557, 2010
Block-copolymer-based plasmonic nanostructures
PA Mistark, S Park, SE Yalcin, DH Lee, O Yavuzcetin, MT Tuominen, ...
ACS nano 3 (12), 3987-3992, 2009
The effect of Auger heating on intraband carrier relaxation in semiconductor quantum rods
M Achermann, AP Bartko, JA Hollingsworth, VI Klimov
Nature Physics 2 (8), 557-561, 2006
Femtosecond pump-probe near-field optical microscopy
BA Nechay, U Siegner, M Achermann, H Bielefeldt, U Keller
Review of scientific instruments 70 (6), 2758-2764, 1999
Light amplification in the single-exciton regime using Exciton− Exciton repulsion in type-II nanocrystal quantum dots
J Nanda, SA Ivanov, M Achermann, I Bezel, A Piryatinski, VI Klimov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (42), 15382-15390, 2007
Radiative rate enhancements in ensembles of hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructures
Y Wang, T Yang, MT Tuominen, M Achermann
Physical review letters 102 (16), 163001, 2009
Structural and optical properties of N-doped ZnO nanorod arrays
B Yang, P Feng, A Kumar, RS Katiyar, M Achermann
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (19), 195402, 2009
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