Meng Wang
Meng Wang
在 rpi.edu 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Consolidating virtual machines with dynamic bandwidth demand in data centers
M Wang, X Meng, L Zhang
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 71-75, 2011
Missing Data Recovery by Exploiting Low-Dimensionality in Power System Synchrophasor Measurements
P Gao, M Wang, SG Ghiocel, JH Chow, B Fardanesh, G Stefopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016
A generalized false data injection attacks against power system nonlinear state estimator and countermeasures
J Zhao, L Mili, M Wang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (5), 4868-4877, 2018
Real-time faulted line localization and PMU placement in power systems through convolutional neural networks
W Li, D Deka, M Chertkov, M Wang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 4640-4651, 2019
Practical detection of trojan neural networks: Data-limited and data-free cases
R Wang, G Zhang, S Liu, PY Chen, J Xiong, M Wang
European Conference on Computer Vision, 222-238, 2020
A unique “nonnegative” solution to an underdetermined system: From vectors to matrices
M Wang, W Xu, A Tang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (3), 1007-1016, 2010
Sparse error correction from nonlinear measurements with applications in bad data detection for power networks
W Xu, M Wang, JF Cai, A Tang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (24), 6175-6187, 2013
Identification of Successive “Unobservable” Cyber Data Attacks in Power Systems Through Matrix Decomposition
P Gao, M Wang, JH Chow, SG Ghiocel, B Fardanesh, G Stefopoulos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (21), 5557-5570, 2016
Modelless data quality improvement of streaming synchrophasor measurements by exploiting the low-rank hankel structure
Y Hao, M Wang, JH Chow, E Farantatos, M Patel
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 6966-6977, 2018
On the Performance of Sparse Recovery Via L_p-minimization(0<=p<=1)
M Wang, W Xu, A Tang
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 57 (11), 7255-7278, 2011
Real-time event identification through low-dimensional subspace characterization of high-dimensional synchrophasor data
W Li, M Wang, JH Chow
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (5), 4937-4947, 2018
A Theoretical Understanding of shallow Vision Transformers: Learning, Generalization, and Sample Complexity
H Li, M Wang, S Liu, P Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.06015, 2023
A low-rank matrix approach for the analysis of large amounts of power system synchrophasor data
M Wang, JH Chow, P Gao, XT Jiang, Y Xia, SG Ghiocel, B Fardanesh, ...
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2637-2644, 2015
On fast adversarial robustness adaptation in model-agnostic meta-learning
R Wang, K Xu, S Liu, PY Chen, TW Weng, C Gan, M Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10454, 2021
Cost of not splitting in routing: Characterization and estimation
M Wang, CW Tan, W Xu, A Tang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 19 (6), 1849-1859, 2011
Modeless reconstruction of missing synchrophasor measurements
P Gao, M Wang, SG Ghiocel, JH Chow
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Multichannel Hankel Matrix Completion Through Nonconvex Optimization
S Zhang, Y Hao, M Wang, JH Chow
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 12 (4), 617-632, 2018
Low-rank matrix recovery from noisy, quantized, and erroneous measurements
P Gao, R Wang, M Wang, JH Chow
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (11), 2918-2932, 2018
Correction of corrupted columns through fast robust Hankel matrix completion
S Zhang, M Wang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (10), 2580-2594, 2019
Likelihood analysis of cyber data attacks to power systems with Markov decision processes
Y Hao, M Wang, JH Chow
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 3191-3202, 2016
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