Gustavo Henrique Dalposso
Gustavo Henrique Dalposso
在 utfpr.edu.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Variabilidade espacial da rentabilidade, perdas na colheita e produtividade do feijoeiro
JA Johann, MCA Silva, MA Uribe-Opazo, GH Dalposso
Engenharia Agrícola 30, 700-714, 2010
Comparison of maps of spatial variability of soil resistance to penetration constructed with and without covariables using a spatial linear model
F Bastiani, MA Uribe-Opazo, GH Dalposso
Engenharia agrícola 32, 393-404, 2012
Analysis of spatial autocorrelation of grain production and agricultural storage in Paraná
EG Cima, MA Uribe-Opazo, JA Johann, WF Rocha Jr, GH Dalposso
Engenharia Agrícola 38 (3), 395-402, 2018
Spatial autocorrelation of NDVI and GVI indices derived from Landsat/TM images for soybean crops in the western of the state of Paraná in 2004/2005 crop season
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, E Mercante, RAC Lamparelli
Engenharia Agrícola 33, 525-537, 2013
Soybean yield modeling using bootstrap methods for small samples
GH Dalposso, MAU Opazo, JA Johann
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14 (3), 5, 2016
Gaussian spatial linear model of soybean yield using bootstrap methods
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, JA Johann, M Galea, FD Bastiani
Engenharia Agrícola 38, 110-116, 2018
Comparison measures of maps generated by geostatistical methods
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, E Mercante, JA Johann, JA Borssoi
Engenharia Agrícola 32, 174-183, 2012
Relationship between sample design and geometric anisotropy in the preparation of thematic maps of chemical soil attributes
LPC Guedes, MA Uribe-Opazo, PJ Ribeiro Junior, GH Dalposso
Engenharia Agrícola 38, 260-269, 2018
Spatial variability of physical attributes of a clayey latosol related to the grain yield of the crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) culture
MD Vieira, D Secco, RF Santos, SN Melegari, HAR de Souza, G Veloso, ...
African Journal of Agricultural Research 7 (38), 5357-5362, 2012
Spatial variability of wheat yield using the gaussian spatial linear model
MA Uribe-Opazo, GH Dalposso, M Galea, JA Johann, F De Bastiani, ...
Australian Journal of Crop Science 17 (2), 179-189, 2023
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP): Analysis of Agriculture of the State of Paraná-Brazil
EG Cima, W Freire da Rocha-Junior, MA Uribe-Opazo, GH Dalposso
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics 13 (2), 35-50, 2021
Spatial-temporal analysis of soybean productivity Using Geostatistical Methods
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo
Journal of Agricultural Studies 9 (2), 283-283, 2021
Previsão da produção de trigo utilizando métodos geoestatísticos
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, JA Borssoi, JA Johann, E Mercante
Di Leo N, Montico S, Nardón G. Avances en Ingenieria Rural 2009, 2007
Geostatistical modeling of soybean yield and soil chemical attributes using spatial bootstrap
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, JA Johann, FD Bastiani, M Galea
Engenharia Agrícola 39, 350-357, 2019
Mapas temáticos de componentes principais para caracterização de propriedades químicas do solo
MP de Oliveira, GH Dalposso, CR Espires, JF Faria
Revista Engenharia na Agricultura-REVENG 23 (6), 529-540, 2015
Evaluation of direct shear strength of self-consolidating and conventional concretes
KM Pufal, G Savaris, CET Balestra, GH Dalposso, SLG Garcia
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 26, e13036, 2021
Forecasting Grain Production and Static Capacity of Warehouses Using the Natural Neighbor and Multiquadric Equations
EG Cima, WF da Rocha-Junior, GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, ...
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics 13 (3), 3-14, 2021
Spatial variability of profitability, harvest losses and productivity of beans
JA Johann, MCA Silva, MA Uribe-Opazo, GH Dalposso
Engenharia Agrícola 30, 700-714, 2010
Circunferência do pescoço como marcador preditivo para síndrome metabólica e risco cardiovascular
CM Perlin, AD Groto, GH Dalposso, LE Dal Canton, MAB Salamanca, ...
Revista de Saúde Pública do Paraná 5 (3), 1-16, 2022
Comparison between Matheron and Genton semivariance function estimators in spatial modeling of soybean yield
GH Dalposso, MA Uribe-Opazo, MP de Oliveira
Australian Journal of Crop Science 16 (7), 916-921, 2022
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