Joanne M. Chung
Joanne M. Chung
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Mississauga
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Many Labs 3: Evaluating participant pool quality across the academic semester via replication
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2015
Post-Traumatic Growth as Positive Personality Change: Challenges, Opportunities and Recommendations
E Jayawickreme, FJ Infurna, K Alajak, LER Blackie, WJ Chopik, JM Chung, ...
Journal of Personality, 2020
Continuity and change in self-esteem during emerging adulthood.
JM Chung, RW Robins, KH Trzesniewski, EE Noftle, BW Roberts, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (3), 469, 2014
Transactions Between Life Events and Personality Traits Across the Adult Lifespan
JJA Denissen, M Luhmann, JM Chung, W Bleidorn
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018
Openness to experience and culture-openness transactions across the lifespan.
T Schwaba, M Luhmann, JJA Denissen, JM Chung, W Bleidorn
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 115 (1), 118, 2018
A review of current ambulatory assessment studies in adolescent samples and practical recommendations
E van Roekel, L Keijsers, JM Chung
Journal of Research on Adolescence 29 (3), 560-577, 2019
The expression of anger across cultures
D Matsumoto, SH Yoo, J Chung
International handbook of anger: Constituent and concomitant biological …, 2010
The narcissism epidemic is dead; long live the narcissism epidemic
E Wetzel, A Brown, PL Hill, JM Chung, RW Robins, BW Roberts
Psychological science 28 (12), 1833-1847, 2017
Self-esteem and relationship satisfaction during the transition to motherhood.
MA Van Scheppingen, J Denissen, JM Chung, K Tambs, W Bleidorn
Journal of personality and social psychology 114 (6), 973, 2018
High, Low, and In Between: Self-Esteem Development from Middle Childhood to Young Adulthood
JM Chung, R Hutteman, MAG van Aken, JJA Denissen
Journal of Research in Personality, 2017
Dispositional contempt: A first look at the contemptuous person
RA Schriber, JM Chung, KS Sorensen, RW Robins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2016
Cross-cultural evidence for the two-facet structure of pride
Y Shi, JM Chung, JT Cheng, JL Tracy, RW Robins, X Chen, Y Zheng
Journal of research in personality 55, 61-74, 2015
Positive illusions in the academic context: A longitudinal study of academic self-enhancement in college
JM Chung, RA Schriber, RW Robins
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2016
Self-esteem and satisfaction with social relationships across time.
EL De Moor, JJA Denissen, WHM Emons, W Bleidorn, M Luhmann, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 120 (1), 173, 2021
Practical recommendations for considering culture, race, and ethnicity in personality psychology
M Arshad, JM Chung
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 16 (2), e12656, 2022
Measuring moral politics: How strict and nurturant family values explain individual differences in conservatism, liberalism, and the political middle.
M Feinberg, E Wehling, JM Chung, LR Saslow, I Melvær Paulin
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118 (4), 777, 2020
The wide‐ranging life outcome correlates of a general psychopathology factor in adolescent psychopathology
OM Laceulle, JM Chung, WAM Vollebergh, J Ormel
Personality and mental health 14 (1), 9-29, 2020
Exploring cultural differences in the recognition of the self-conscious emotions
JM Chung, RW Robins
PLoS ONE 10 (8), e0136411, 2015
Why has personality psychology played an outsized role in the credibility revolution?
OE Atherton, JM Chung, K Harris, JM Rohrer, DM Condon, F Cheung, ...
Personality science 2 (1), e6001, 2021
Does Smile Intensity in Photographs Really Predict Longevity? A Replication and Extension of Abel and Kruger (2010)
M Dufner, M Brümmer, JM Chung, PM Drewke, C Blaison, SC Schmukle
Psychological Science, 2017
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Articles 1–20