Zhen MG Li
Zhen MG Li
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Paleozoic Sanweishan arc in the northern Dunhuang region, NW China: The Dunhuang block is a Phanerozoic orogen, not a Precambrian block
M Shi, Q Hou, C Wu, Q Yan, HYC Wang, N Cheng, QWL Zhang, ZMG Li
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 194, 103954, 2020
Diverse subduction and exhumation of tectono-metamorphic slices in the Kalatashitage area, western Paleozoic Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, northwestern China
QWL Zhang, HYC Wang, JH Liu, MY Shi, YC Chen, ZMG Li, CM Wu
Lithos 360, 105434, 2020
Amphibolite facies metamorphism and geochronology of the Paleoproterozoic Aketashitage Orogenic Belt, northwestern China
QWL Zhang, JH Liu, HYC Wang, MY Shi, YC Chen, ZMG Li, HCG Zhang, ...
Precambrian Research 328, 146-160, 2019
Neoarchean metamorphic evolution and geochronology of the Miyun metamorphic complex, North China Craton
HCG Zhang, JH Liu, YC Chen, QWL Zhang, T Peng, ZMG Li, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 320, 78-92, 2019
U-Pb dating of metamorphic monazite of the Neoproterozoic Kang-Dian Orogenic Belt, southwestern China
ZMG Li, YC Chen, QWL Zhang, JH Liu, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 361, 106262, 2021
Metamorphic evolution and U-Pb geochronology of metapelite, northeastern Wutai Complex: Implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen
JH Liu, QWL Zhang, ZMG Li, HCG Zhang, YC Chen, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 350, 105928, 2020
Juxtaposition of diverse, subduction-related tectonic blocks with contrasting metamorphic features and ages in the Paleoproterozoic Aketashitage orogen, NW China: Implications …
QWL Zhang, JH Liu, ZMG Li, MY Shi, YC Chen, CM Wu
Bulletin 133 (7-8), 1483-1504, 2021
Late Silurian to early Devonian development of the Chingiz accretion arc, West Junggar: insights into accretion arc evolution in the Central Asia Orogenic Belt
Y Chen, JE Zhang, W Xiao, R Zhou, S Song, Z Zhang, S Ao, M Sang, ...
International Geology Review 63 (17), 2083-2103, 2021
New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology data of the Fuping and Wutai Complexes: Further constraints on the thermal evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen
JH Liu, ZMG Li, QWL Zhang, HCG Zhang, YC Chen, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 354, 106046, 2021
PT conditions and timing of metamorphism of the Yuanmou area, southern Neoproterozoic Kang-Dian Orogenic Belt, southwest China
ZMG Li, YC Chen, QWL Zhang, JH Liu, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 374, 106642, 2022
Permian-Triassic magmatic and thermal events in the Dunhuang orogenic belt: implications for subduction records of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
QWL Zhang, YC Chen, MY Shi, ZMG Li, JH Liu, CM Wu
International Geology Review 64 (16), 2306-2329, 2022
Paleoproterozoic medium to high pressure metamorphism in the Wanzi supracrustal association, Trans-North China Orogen: New insights from the gedrite-bearing gneiss, gedrite …
JH Liu, J Wang, ZMG Li, QWL Zhang, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 360, 106248, 2021
Ultra-high pressure metamorphism and geochronology of garnet clinopyroxenite in the Paleozoic Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, northwestern China
Z Li, H Wang, Q Zhang, MY Shi, JS Lu, JH Liu, CM Wu
Minerals 11 (2), 117, 2021
40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende and U-Pb dating of zircon in the Aketashitage orogen, NW China: Constraints on exhumation and cooling in the Paleoproterozoic
QWL Zhang, ZMG Li, MY Shi, YC Chen, JH Liu, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 352, 106018, 2021
Identification of continental fragments in orogen: an example from Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, northwestern China.
QWL Zhang, Y Chen, ZMG Li, J Liu, Q Zhang, C Wu
Science Bulletin 67 (15), 1549-1552, 2022
Identical metamorphic record in distinct petrochemical systems: Case study of microscopically interlayered garnet amphibolite and metapelite from the Danba dome, SW China
ZMG Li, YC Chen, F Gaidies, YL Zhao, CM Wu
Lithos 468, 107488, 2024
Constraint on the temperature of A-type magma from contact metamorphic aureole, Biesituobie batholith, West Junggar in NW China, Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Y Chen, J Liu, R Zhou, W Xiao, J Zhang, Z Zhang, QWL Zhang, ZMG Li, ...
Bulletin 135 (5-6), 1265-1279, 2023
Neoproterozoic Buchan-type metamorphism of the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Craton and tectonothermal implications
GD Wang, ZMG Li, QWL Zhang, J Wang, FL Shao
Precambrian Research 401, 107275, 2024
Temperature and timing of ductile deformation of the Longquanguan shear zone, Trans-North China Orogen
JH Liu, YC Chen, ZMG Li, QWL Zhang, TG Lan, Q Zhang, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 359, 106217, 2021
High-pressure mafic granulite and supracrustal rocks in the southern Hengshan area, North China Craton: Metamorphic PTt evolution and geotectonic significance
GD Wang, XL Wang, ZMG Li, Y Guan, J Wang, FL Shao, CM Wu
Precambrian Research 410, 107501, 2024
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