Zbigniew Bojar
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Cited by
The microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 316 L stainless steel fabricated using laser engineered net shaping
M Ziętala, T Durejko, M Polański, I Kunce, T Płociński, W Zieliński, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 677, 1-10, 2016
Applications of Ni3Al Based Intermetallic Alloys—Current Stage and Potential Perceptivities
P Jozwik, W Polkowski, Z Bojar
Materials 8 (5), 2537-2568, 2015
Synthesis of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) at relatively high temperatures. Study of the influence of anodization conditions on the alumina structural features
WJ Stępniowski, Z Bojar
Surface and Coatings technology 206 (2-3), 265-272, 2011
Postępy w badaniach stopów na bazie uporządkowanych faz międzymetalicznych z udziałem aluminium
J Bystrzycki, RA Varin, Z Bojar
Inżynieria Materiałowa 5 (s 137), 149, 1996
Microstructure characterization of D-gun sprayed Fe–Al intermetallic coatings
C Senderowski, Z Bojar, W Wołczyński, A Pawłowski
Intermetallics 18 (7), 1405-1409, 2010
Gas detonation spray forming of Fe–Al coatings in the presence of interlayer
C Senderowski, Z Bojar
Surface and coatings technology 202 (15), 3538-3548, 2008
Fabrication of anodic aluminum oxide with incorporated chromate ions
WJ Stępniowski, M Norek, M Michalska-Domańska, A Bombalska, ...
Applied Surface Science 259, 324-330, 2012
First step of anodization influences the final nanopore arrangement in anodized alumina
WJ Stępniowski, D Zasada, Z Bojar
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (6), 1416-1422, 2011
Microstructure and texture evolution of copper processed by differential speed rolling with various speed asymmetry coefficient
W Polkowski, P Jóźwik, M Polański, Z Bojar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 564, 289-297, 2013
EBSD and X-ray diffraction study on the recrystallization of cold rolled Ni3Al based intermetallic alloy
W Polkowski, P Jóźwik, Z Bojar
Journal of alloys and compounds 614, 226-233, 2014
Kinetics of reactions in FeAl synthesis studied by the DTA technique and JMA model
S Jóźwiak, K Karczewski, Z Bojar
Intermetallics 18 (7), 1332-1337, 2010
Ultra-small nanopores obtained by self-organized anodization of aluminum in oxalic acid at low voltages
WJ Stępniowski, M Norek, M Michalska-Domańska, Z Bojar
Materials Letters 111, 20-23, 2013
Fe–Al phase formation around SHS reactions under isothermal conditions
E Pocheć, S Jóźwiak, K Karczewski, Z Bojar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (4), 1124-1128, 2011
Quantitative arrangement analysis of anodic alumina formed by short anodizations in oxalic acid
WJ Stępniowski, A Nowak-Stępniowska, Z Bojar
Materials characterization 78, 79-86, 2013
Influence of detonation gun spraying conditions on the quality of Fe-Al intermetallic protective coatings in the presence of NiAl and NiCr interlayers
C Senderowski, Z Bojar
Journal of thermal spray technology 18, 435-447, 2009
Processing and characterization of graded metal/intermetallic materials: The example of Fe/FeAl intermetallics
T Durejko, S Lipiński, Z Bojar, J Bystrzycki
Materials & Design 32 (5), 2827-2834, 2011
The influence of different additives on the kinetics of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis during the sintering process of Fe and Al elemental powders
K Karczewski, S Jóźwiak, M Chojnacki, Z Bojar
Intermetallics 18 (7), 1401-1404, 2010
Analysis of grain size effect on tensile properties of Ni3Al–based intermetallic strips
P Jóźwik, Z Bojar
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 52 (2), 321-327, 2007
Anodization of cold deformed technical purity aluminum (AA1050) in oxalic acid
WJ Stępniowski, M Michalska-Domańska, M Norek, E Twardosz, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 258, 268-274, 2014
Incorporation of copper chelate ions into anodic alumina walls
WJ Stępniowski, M Norek, M Michalska-Domańska, ...
Materials Letters 106, 242-245, 2013
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