Paola Cillo
Cited by
Cited by
Convergent designs in fine fashion: An evolutionary model for stylistic innovation
R Cappetta, P Cillo, A Ponti
Research Policy 35 (9), 1273-1290, 2006
Search styles in style searching: Exploring innovation strategies in fashion firms
P Cillo, G Verona
Long Range Planning 41 (6), 650-671, 2008
Fostering market knowledge use in innovation:: The role of internal brokers
P Cillo
European Management Journal 23 (4), 404-412, 2005
Market information approaches, product innovativeness, and firm performance: An empirical study in the fashion industry
P Cillo, LM De Luca, G Troilo
Research Policy 39 (9), 1242-1252, 2010
How do financial constraints affect creativity?
I Scopelliti, P Cillo, B Busacca, D Mazursky
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (5), 880-893, 2014
The new product portfolio innovativeness–stock returns relationship: The role of large individual investors’ culture
P Cillo, DA Griffith, G Rubera
Journal of Marketing 82 (6), 49-70, 2018
Capacità creativa e innovazione. Un modello interpretativo resource-based
S Vicari, P Cillo, G Verona
Sinergie rivista di studi e ricerche, 2011
Consumer-CEO interaction as catalyst for business model innovation in established firms
P Cillo, RL Priem, G Verona, P Zanella
Journal of Business Research 131, 241-253, 2021
Innovazione e mercato
P Cillo
Carocci, 2004
Managing integrators where integration matters: insights from symbolic industries
R Cappetta, P Cillo
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (12), 2235-2251, 2008
The strategic organization of innovation: State of the art and emerging challenges
P Cillo, G Verona
Strategic Organization 20 (4), 743-756, 2022
Generative AI in innovation and marketing processes: A roadmap of research opportunities
P Cillo, G Rubera
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-18, 2024
Whatever you want, whatever you like: How incumbents respond to changes in market information regimes
P Zanella, P Cillo, G Verona
Strategic Management Journal 43 (7), 1258-1286, 2022
Product Innovation: Dall'idea al lancio del nuovo prodotto
S Vicari, P Cillo, D Raccagni
EGEA spa, 2013
The interlink between resources and capabilities: towards a theoretical frame for the development of dynamic capabilities
P Cillo, G Verona, S Vicari
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 4 (1-2), 111-131, 2007
Trust-oriented marketing. La nuova frontiera del loyalty management nelle imprese commerciali.
S Castaldo, P Cillo
Economia & Management, 73-89, 2000
Market learning capability and innovation. An explorative empirical study in the fashion industry
P Cillo
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice, 2003
Il ruolo del senso di appartenenza nell’evoluzione dei distretti industriali: una proposta metodologica
P Cillo, G Troilo
Finanza Marketing e Produzione 1, 63-93, 2002
Le priorità del marketing management: una prospettiva europea
B Busacca, P Cillo
Mercati e competitività, 2005
Il marketing digitale
P Cillo, G Verona
Vicari S.(a cura di), Il management nell'era della connessione, Egea, Milano, 2001
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Articles 1–20